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You had started to spend more and more time at the Phantomhive Estate in company of Ciel and Sebastian. Your parents often questioned where you went and were concerned about why you spent so much time with Elizabeth's fiancé. You would calmly say that you had become good friends with the Earl Phantomhive and enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed yours. Your mother didn't worry too much and was glad that you had found some friends, but your father had noticed a few changes in your behavior which he didn't particularly like. You had become less formal and more honest, which often led to awkward silences whenever your parents had guests over, and you had become slightly less keen to smile to the people you didn't like, or when you didn't want to. Of course, he had decided to blame the Phantomhives for theses changes, but little did he know they weren't the ones to blame at all. It was partly Alois' fault for always asking you to relax around him, and partly Grell's fault for,well, being himself. Come to think of it, all the people you had encountered since you first met Ciel had brought out that part of you the rest of the world wanted to hide. But your parents' opinion didn't matter to you, and their attempts to keep you away from your new friends and bring the formal you back were useless. You were happy the way you currently were, and nothing in the world could ever change that. 

You were sitting outside the Phantomhive Manor, on a little bench lost inside the colorful jungle that were the gardens. The weather was very nice today, the sun was shining brightly and the golden rays reflected on the water of the fountain, turning the transparent liquid into gold. The sky was cloudless and birds were singing loudly in a tree nearby. You giggled slightly as the red-head sitting next to you let out a high-pitched squeal staring right at Sebastian, who stood a few metres from you, talking to Finnian. Grell turned to look at you and squealed again.

- Doesn't Bassy look absolutely wonderful today?

- Doesn't he always?

He giggled at your remark before nodding his head, and turning again to look at the man of his dreams. Grell had taught you that talking about men wasn't something shameful, like your mother, father, and tutors had always told you, but rather something completely natural that everyone should enjoy. There was no need to mention that you obviously enjoyed it, but were still to shy to do it in front of anyone but Grell. You had become quite close to the red-haired man, and the fact that he liked  people of the same gender didn't bother you at all, you just didn't know it was possible until the day you first met him. No one had ever felt the need to tell you, and you couldn't help but wonder how many things you still didn't know. 

- I just want to rip his clothes off!

- Grell! 

- What? Are you not curious to see what's underneath that sexy tailcoat?

You blushed a dark shade of red but still laughed at the face Grell made. You had become open minded, but not enough to respond to such a comment. You jumped slightly when you felt a hand on your shoulder, but quickly relaxed when your (e/c) met with deep blue ones. 

- Hello Ciel!

- Good afternoon (f/n). How are you?

- Marvelous, thank you. It's a wonderful day today!

- It is. And what could cause you to be so excited?

You furrowed your eyebrows and thought about it for a moment. There wasn't really a reason, it was just a beautiful day that your got to spend with amazing people you deeply cared about.

- I don't believe there is a particular reason, I am just happy. 

- Well, I am glad to hear it.

- Would you like to take a seat?

He nodded and you moved closer to Grell, who was way too busy looking at the black-haired butler to notice Ciel's presence. The blue-haired gentleman sat next to you and smiled gently. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a large explosion noise. You jumped and let out a scream before quickly turning around. There was smoke coming out of the manor and you could clearly hear yelling. Before you could even think of what to do you were running towards the source of the smoke, which happened to be the kitchen, too scared that someone had gotten hurt. You reached the room in no time, but before you could enter it, your felt someone gently grab your arm. Your turned around and your scared eyes met with calm crimson ones. For some reason, Sebastian's presence instantly calmed you down and you stepped out of his way. He entered the smoke-filled kitchen, and before Ciel and Grell could get to you, the fire was out and the smoke had disappeared. You stared in awe as the butler stepped out of the kitchen, followed by a maid and what you thought to be the cook. Their heads were hanging low and you felt sorry for them. You stepped forward and grabbed their arms, causing them to look up at you.

- Are you hurt? Do you have any burns anywhere? 

They both stared at you with surprised, slightly shocked eyes. Finnian, who had been alerted by the noise, also gave you with the same look. Sebastian and Ciel were, once again, touch by your kindness, and Grell, well, he didn't particularly care about the current events, too busy looking at Sebastian. The cook spoke first, in a deep voice.

- No, we're fine. But, thank you for worrying m'lady.

- Yes, thank you m'lady!

- What are your names?

- Baldroy m'lady!

- Mey-Rin m'lady!

- My name is (f/n) (l/n).

- Nice to meet you!

You looked at the maid, then back at the cook, and giggled at the fact that they had spoken in unisson. Sebastian, who had completely forgotten how angry he was, dismissed all of the servants and locked eyes with you.

- You're too kind, my Lady.

- It's nothing! No one was harmed so there is no need to make a fuss about it! Don't be too harsh on them, please.

He looked at you for a second, analyzing if you really meant what you had just said or not. Once he understood that your demand was genuine, he gave you a reassuring smile.

- Whatever pleases you, Lady (f/n).

You smile happily and turn back to Grell and Ciel. You walk up to them and link arms with Ciel, dragging him back into the gardens, while the red-head stays behind with his favorite butler. Once the two of you have disappeared into the green depths, Sebastian turned to face Grell.

- What do you think of her?

- She's absolutely lovely, one of the nicest humans I have ever met. But don't you worry Bassy, you'll always be my one and only ~

- Grell, will you do me favor?

- Anything for you my love ~

- If I am ever incapable of ensuring her safety, protect her no matter the cost.

- Does that mean I get to spend more time around you?

- Yes, I guess so.

- Then absolutely my dear! You can count on me ~

- Thank you, I am reassured. 

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