The Dinner

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You were sitting at a large, well decorated table, with Alois to your right and Ciel to your left. Both butlers were standing a few metres away from their master. The Earl Trancy had been talking continuously for the past hour, while you sat uncomfortably, eating the delicious food sitting in front of you. You wouldn't dare to look up but you could feel Claude's gaze burning through your skull, Sebastian was also staring at you but his eyes felt more gentle, more protective. You finished your plate and looked at Alois, trying to follow the flow of words pouring out of his mouth. You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and it made you more uncomfortable, if that was even possible. You jumped slightly as the empty plate in front of you was swiftly removed by a hand you didn't recognize. You curiously looked behind you and discovered three new faces. 'Triplets! That's amazing!' you thought as you watched them move around the room in perfect unisson. They had quite nice faces, their purple hair falling perfectly, almost like three human-sized dolls. It was too dark for you to see the colour of their eyes, but you couldn't wait to find out. You mentally slapped yourself for being so curious again. This trait of your personality was unforgivable for a lady and you couldn't let it go wild. However, your fascination for the triplets didn't come unnoticed. You felt Alois' hand on your wrist and, when you turned around to face him, he gave you another one of his perverted smiles. 

- And what could have caught your interest (f/n)? 

- Oh, I was simply looking at your servants My Lord. 

- I told you to call me Alois! And what's so fascinating about them anyway?

He looked at the three purple-headed males with disgust as they quietly walked out of the room. You were wondering how they managed to close the huge, wooden doors without making a single noise when you remembered the Earl had asked you a question. It would have been extremely rude and inappropriate not to give an answer. 

- I have never seen triplets before. I find fascinating that three people can look and act exactly the same, yet be so different. 

Alois arched an eyebrow before leaning forward, not letting go of your wrist one second. You could hear Ciel taking deeper breaths, as if he was trying to calm down or stop himself from doing something. Before you could turn your head to look at him, the blonde had your attention once again.

- I don't understand.

- What don't you understand?

- How can you tell that they are different? Have you spoken to them?

- No, but I don't need to. If they didn't have different personalities or small physical differences that could help people tell them appart, they would just be dolls. Don't you think?

- Physical difference you say?

- Why yes. They all have different hair styles. 

He let go of your wrist and sat back in his chair. He was staring intensely at you and the room went completely silent. The only thing you could hear was Ciel's breathing, which was starting to slightly slow down. 

- I never noticed that before.

- Haven't you? I am sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude.

- You didn't. I a just impressed that you pay attention to such small details. 

You gently smiled at him and he responded with one of his perverted ones. The door behind you opened and, once again, you couldn't  help but turn around. A lady, which you assumed two be the maid, walked in and whispered something to Claude. She was wearing a beautiful dress and her long, sliver hair was tied in a plait. One of her hypnotizing blue eyes was covered with a bandage. You slightly tilted your head to the side in admiration, letting some of your (h/c) fall in front of your eyes. Alois let out a surprisingly girly giggle and you blushed, brushing the hair out of your face in one quick movement. The maid looked over to you and you lock eyes for a few seconds. 

- Hannah? I don't remember saying you could look at my guest.

With this, the Earl Trancy gets up and moves behind your seat. You gasped lightly when he gently wrapped his arm around your neck. You could hear Ciel's breathing accelerating again, and you swore Sebastian let out some sort of low growl. A blush was now covering your face up to your ears. You felt really uncomfortable and you looked over at Ciel, your eyes begging for help. The blue-haired boy nodded and stood up, grabbing your hand.

- It's quite hot in here, don't you think (f/n)? How about a walk in the gardens?

Alois' eyes widened and he let go of you as you stood up and straightened your (f/c) dress. You linked arms with Ciel and started making your way out of the room, Sebastian following closely behind you. That physical contact with your friend made you feel way safer, you felt like nothing could happen to you now. 

- Wait!

You turned your head to look at Alois as he ran up to you and linked your free arm to his. The feeling of safety was instantly gone and you felt uncomfortable and stressed again. You quickly glanced at Ciel, distress and despair visible in your (e/c) eyes. 

- Let me join you. Come on Claude!

You felt like crying. For some reason you were terrified of the Earl Trancy and his butler. But on the other hand, you felt stupid for actually being scared of a boy who was practically your age. Plus, you weren't on your own, you had Ciel and Sebastian to protect you if needed. 'Relax, it's just a walk. Nothing is going to happen'. You kept trying to calm yourself, but it was all useless. You were about to panic. You subconsciously tightened your grip on Ciel's arm and he gave you a reassuring smile. You smiled back and told yourself for the hundredth time that everything was going to be fine, because it was going to be fine. As long as the Earl Phantomhive and his butler stayed close to you. 

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