Trouble Begins

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You looked at your reflection intensely, your eyes wandering over the fabric of your outfit. You couldn't believe the image the mirror was gently reflecting. You, (f/n) (l/n), were wearing boys' clothes.  Not just any boys' clothes, Alois Trancy's. His usual purple coat, black shorts, white dress shirt and green vest, along with a pair of boots. You turned around to look at Hannah, who had helped you get changed into this ridiculous attire. She avoided eye contact with you until you cleared your throat, causing her to look up at you.

- I look stupid, don't I?

- Of course not my Lady, you look beautiful.

Your eyes snapped back to the mirror as you turned around, looking at yourself once more. The clothes Alois had lent you were too small for him, and although they felt slightly tight around the chest area they were your size. 

- I look like a man. 

You didn't hear the door open behind you, too focused on how you looked to care about anything else, and you didn't hear Hannah quickly exiting the room. You were even too busy daydreaming to hear Alois whispering something to Claude, although he was sill pretty loud, and jumped when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You looked up and the reflection of the Earl's blue eyes met your (e/c) ones. He brushed some (h/c) strands off of your shoulder and rested his head on it. 

- My clothes look amazing on you.

He pulled you against his chest and you blushed a dark shade or red. He giggled slightly and your first reflex was to elbow his in the stomach, making him pull away with a slight wince of pain.

- Get off of me!

He stumbled back towards his butler and held tightly onto him for support. The golden eyes butler didn't seem to care about the situation and just stared right at you. His gaze on you gave you the feeling that he could read you like an open book, sense all of your emotions, and you hated it. You walked towards the door and reached for the doorknob. You firmly grabbed it and twisted it around, pushing and pulling the door, but it didn't move an inch. It was locked. You were locked in a room with Alois and Claude. You turned around, hearing the blonde's soft giggles. He had made full recovery from your hit and was now stepping towards you, feet stomping the floor at a rapid pace. You backed away in fear until your back hit the door, and the Earl kept walking towards you until your chests were nearly touching, his face only a couple of inches from yours, his hands on both sides of your face.

- And, just, where do you think you're going?

- Leave me alone! I want to go home!

Alois laughed at your demand before giving Claude a quick glance. You used these few precious seconds to look around the room for a way out. However, there were none. You were trapped. You could feel yourself tearing up, but locked your fear and terror deep inside of you and tried your best to keep a cold facial expression. 

- Well, you see, I don't think that's possible.

- Why not?

- Because... You have caught my interest. I want you, (f/n) (l/n).

You stared at him for a second, pure panic taking over your features and you started punching and kicking, screaming at the top of your lungs for him to let go. You managed to hit him in the nose and his stepped away from you, falling flat on the floor due to the strength you had put in that punch. You tried to make a run for the huge window, moving as fast as your legs would allow.

- Claude! I order you to catch her! Immediately! 

You thought you were fine. Claude was on the other side of the room, and you were already climbing onto the windowsill, there was no way he could catch up with you so quickly. You were about to open the window when a large hand grabbed you back the collar and pulled you down. The air was violently knocked out of your lungs when your back hit the floor. You eyes blinked open and couldn't believe what you saw. The Trancy butler was sitting on top of you, one leg on each side of your waist, one his hands was pinning both of your wrists above your head while the other one pushed his glasses higher up his nose.

- Let go off me, you freak! Help me! Hannah! Somebody, please!

You started kicking your legs around, trying to hit Claud in the back, but his  weight on your waist was restricting your movements. Tears started to blur your vision as Alois kneeled down next to you, placing a cold hand on your wet cheek.

- Shh...Relax (f/n). I'll take good care of you.

His hand started to gently stroke your face, and you just silently stared at it for a moment. When his thumb brushed your lower lip you opened your mouth and bit down harshly, earning a cry of pain from the blonde. He pushed Claude off of you and grabbed you by the collar, pulling you back up before slapping you across the face with a strength you didn't know he had. More wet pearls feel down your face as he threw you back onto the marble floor, you head hitting the ground first in a loud, painful sound. He looked down at you with cold eyes.

- I was going to be nice to you, but I guess I'll have to hurt you until you learn to show some respect. Claude, you know what to do.

- Yes, your highness.

God, you wanted to kill them both. You wanted to kill them both and run away. You wanted to bury your face in Sebastian's chest and cry for hours. You wanted to, but you couldn't. You felt like every last bit of energy had been drained from your body, so you just laid there completely motionless. Anyone would have thought you were dead if it wasn't was the occasional sob you let out. Suddenly you felt two strong arms pick you up, and found yourself in Claude's arms. He carried you out of the from bridal style, and you just let your head fall against his shoulder, too desperate and terrified to do anything more. The butler walked through a maze of endless corridors for what seemed like hours, and you started to feel dizzy. You swore you were bleeding, but were too afraid to say anything. After what felt like an eternity, you heard the faint sound of a door opening and were placed on a soft bed. 

- Needless to say that any attempt to escape will be futile, and will lead to my master's anger. Believe me, my Lady, he doesn't want to hurt you any more than I do, but he will if he has to.

You didn't care. You were nearly unconscious anyway, so nothing would matter to you until you woke up. You didn't pay attention when Claude gave your head a few gentle strokes, pulling some (h/c) strands out of your face. Nor did you pay attention when he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before slowly making his way out of the room, not taking his eyes off you before the heavy wooden door was closed and locked. You felt more tears stream down your face and sobbed for a while, before letting go of the painful reality your were left to face alone, and let your troubled mind wander off to a better place for now. The room went dark and the world fell silent. 

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