Small Chat Big News

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You listened calmly and quietly as Ciel spoke. His speech was very different from usual. He was speaking really quickly, and his eyes sparkled with emotion. The blue-haired boy spoke as if he was trying to finish explaining before you rejected him. 

- The first time I met you, I was really surprised. I expected Elizabeth's friends to be just as bad as her, but you caught my attention straight away. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, everything about was just perfect. Then, I starting trusting you for absolutely no reason, I wanted to be your friend, I wanted to be around you all the time. When you left, I would miss you. It was weird, because I never felt like that about anyone else. Usually, I'm happy when people leave, when I'm alone. It changed when I met you. When you disappeared, and your parents came to me to know if I had seen you, I felt something inside of me break. I tried to find you without Sebastian's help, because it felt like I had to do this on my own. I didn't understand my feelings at first, but now I know. I love you, (f/n). 

You stared at him for what felt like hours, staying completely silent. No one had ever confessed to you like this before. Of course, some men had tried to flirt with you before, but you knew it was only because of your looks, and just ignored them. It was the first time someone had ever explained their feelings for you like this, and with so much passion and emotion behind the words. To be honest, you didn't know how to react, or what to say. Was there a proper way to act during these types of situations? Probably not. Since you weren't responding, Ciel looked down and let his head drop low. 

- I'm sorry. I understand that you don't feel the same way-

- It's not that.

His head snapped back up, and midnight blue clashed with (e/c). You saw a glimpse of hope shine in the eye that wasn't hidden beneath the eye patch. 

- What?

- It's not that I don't feel the same way. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about you. After all you've done for me, after all we've been through, I can't just see you as a friend anymore. But I'm not sure it's love I'm feeling. 

Ciel raised his small hands up and cupped your face, holding you in place gently. He leaned forward extremely slowly, giving you the chance to back away. You didn't. You didn't know why, but it was like you couldn't move. You had never experienced something as intimate as a kiss, and you were way too curious to miss this opportunity. After a few seconds, your lips finally connected, beginning a slow, gentle dance. You still didn't move, not knowing what to do. Ciel seemed really inexperienced, but you understood that. After all, you had been as socially awkward as him once, and you too used to hate physical contact. When he pulled away, removing his hands from the sides of your face in the process, you expected him to be angry at the fact that you didn't kiss back. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw the gentle smile on his face. 

- It's fine, I can wait until you figure things out. If you don't love me yet, I just have to give you a good reason to.

You nodded and he laughed. His gentle gaze scanned your face over and over again, looking for any sign of rejection, but he only saw confusion and doubt. You didn't know this, but he was ready to wait a hundred years for your love if he had to. Ciel smiled again, and stroked your face gently with his pale hands. He leaned in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. He let go of you and stood up, letting out an irritated sigh as he walked over to the wooden door and opened it in one swift gesture. Sebastian stood on the other side, wearing the familiar smirk on his pale face, his hypnotizing eyes looking at the Earl as if trying to pierce holes through his head. For some reason, the demon seemed different to you. Not in his appearance, but in the way he looked at his master. You couldn't tell what emotion his gaze held from where you were sat, but it definitely wasn't the respect you usually saw. 

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