Back to the Trancy's

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The past week hadn't been the best. After you got back from London, your father gave you the longest lecture in history, and only gave you a few seconds to explain that it wasn't entirely your fault you got lost and that Elizabeth had ran off without you. Of course, just like everyone else, your father saw your blonde, hysterical friend as an angel and didn't believe you. He then yelled that his daughter would have never lied to get out of trouble and that you had changed. He also added that those changes in your behavior had started to occur when you became friends with Ciel Phantomhive. So there you were, you hadn't been allowed to leave the house all week and were strictly forbidden to come anywhere near a Phantomhive, staff included. After what seemed like the longest, most boring week of your entire life, you were finally allowed to go out. However, seeing Ciel was still not an option, you were mad at Elizabeth for getting you into trouble, and you had no way of contacting Ash. That meant there was only one way to kill your boredom: Alois Trancy. You wrote him a letter a couple of days ago to say that you had particularly enjoyed yourself when you went to his manor, which was another huge lie, and that you wanted to see him again. He had responded quicker that expected, and quicker that he should have, telling you to come over to the Trancy Estate for a day. He even mentioned that you could, perhaps, stay the night. You started to get a bad feeling about this when you got into your carriage. You were already terrified of Alois and his staff, especially his butler, when Ciel and Sebastian were here to protect you, so you couldn't imagine what it would be like now that you were on your own. 

You didn't have any more time to think as your carriage came to a stop and the door beside you opened without a sound to reveal the Trancy butler, his golden eyes staring right into your (E/C) ones as the held a hand out to you. You didn't want to take it, you wanted Sebastian to help you out. But Sebastian wasn't there, so you gently grabbed the butler's gloved hand and gracefully stepped out. Your (H/L)(H/C) floated around your face as the wind softly caressed you. You forced a sweet smile on your face as the black-haired butler stared at you with cold eyes, and when you spoke you tried to make your voice sound as cheerful and genuine as possible. You weren't used to it anymore. 

- Good morning Claude!

- Good morning my Lady.

'God, did he always sound that dull? Or do I hear differently because I don't want to be here? I didn't want to be here the first time either though...' 

- (F/N)!! 

You quickly looked up, only just realizing you had been looking at the ground, to see an overly excited blonde running towards you at an inhuman speed. Once he had reached you he pulled you into one of the most uncomfortable and suffocating hugs you ever received in your life, his arms tightly wrapped around your neck. Your arms awkwardly made their way around his waist and you gave him a gentle hug. For a split second you actually thought he was trying to strangle you and were about to panic, when he finally let go of you.

- I'm so happy to see you! It feels like I haven't spoken to you in years!

You simply smiled and nodded, because you felt so nervous you knew you wouldn't be able to make a coherent sentence. Alois giggled like a girl, which slightly irritated you. It had only been a few minutes and you could already feel the old you coming back. You didn't like it, not at all. 

- Are you shy? You're so cute! Come one, let's go inside!

He grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the Trancy Estate. He was ridiculously hard to keep up with and you were out of breath just by trying to match his walking pace. You could hear Claude walking behind you, and it was obvious he was used to running after Alois, so it didn't seem to affect him. The three of you suddenly arrived into quite a large room with a table in the centre, several chairs and small Victorian sofas were scattered across the tiled floor. There was also a fire place in one of the walls. The blonde boy let go of your hand and pushed you in one of the seats before sitting next to you.

- I missed you so much! How come you never came back before now? 

You took a few seconds to think about what you were going to say. You wanted to be bluntly honest like Grell had taught you to do, and tell him that you were bored and that you wouldn't be here right now if you were allowed to see Ciel. However, something deep inside of you was telling you that being horrible to Alois was unnecessary, and would end the only way to cure your boredom straight away. 

- I have been really busy. I have had a lot of things on my mind lately, and I just didn't have time to call you.

- I see. What was on your mind?

- Nothing you should concern yourself with. Don't worry, I'm fine and can fully enjoy myself now. 

- Good!

His gave you another one of his perverted smiles before clapping his hands loudly, his face lighting up. You suddenly became scared of what was to happen next. 

- How about we play dress-up?

- I beg your pardon? 

- I have plenty of costumes upstairs, some of them way to small for me. I'm sure they'll fit you perfectly!

You didn't have time to react before he was up and dragging you around the Estate once again. 'God... This guy is even worse than Elizabeth...and that's saying something!' Once again Claude was following closely behind you. You couldn't see him or hear him, but you could feel his golden gaze burning a hole through the back of your head. You really didn't like his company, something about him was off. You really whited Ciel was with you at the moment, and the feeling only got stronger when Alois pushed his bedroom door open in one quick movement. 

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