Help Me

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You cracked one eye open, struggling to adapt to the amount of light hitting your face all at once. Apparently you had been trapped in that room for two days. Strangely, however, you weren't hungry or thirsty at all. On the contrary, you felt quite sick. The world around you was so bright it was almost painful to look at. You were in a field, laying down on the soft, green grass with your head resting on top on Claude's folded legs. A cold breeze blew gently across the field, playing in the branches of a few trees that lingered a few metres to your left. A blue butterfly flew over your head, and you smiled as it gently, gracefully moved until it disappeared into the tall grass. You spotted a few birds in the sky, and suddenly felt very jealous and envious of their ability to fly away from anything they wanted. If something bothered them, they could just escape to a better place, a place they loved, somewhere they could call home. You had nothing left. Nothing but the feeling of a gloved hand gently stroking your hair, and the atrocious sensation that your left cheek was on fire. That was where Claude decided to put your mark. You let him decide, considering you didn't really care anymore at this point. You felt like you were back at square one, just an empty shell waiting for someone to save you from your boredom. 

You looked up at the man stroking your hair, and (e/c) met gold. A shiver of disgust ran down your spine. Just the thought of having to spend the rest of your life with him was stupidly painful. However, there were going to be advantages. First one being he had to do whatever you told him to. 

- Claude?

- Yes?

- I have something I need you to do for me.

- Anything. I'm at your service for eternity. 

- I order you to take me to Sebastian and Ciel.

His jaw tightened and his eyes hardened. It was clear to you that he hated your friends, but he had no right to stop you from seeing them. He didn't have the ability to, anyway. He had to obey you. Both of you got up and he picked you up, holding you bridal style before jumping high up into the air. This reminded you of the night you found out Sebastian was a demon: he had done exactly the same thing back then. You closed your eyes for what felt like only a brief moment, and when you opened them again Claude was gently placing you on the grounds of the Phantomhive Estate. 

You jumped out of Claude's arms and starting running towards the door as soon as your feet hit the ground. You had never ran so fast in your entire life, and it felt like the ground would collapse under your feet before you could reach the door. When you finally reached the wooden entrance, you knocked as hard and as many times as possible on the barrier keeping you from seeing your friends again. Your hands turned into fists, and knocking turned into banging on the door as if you were tying to break it down. 

You felt yourself start to tear up when you heard footsteps echo through the home. They got closer and closer to the door until it finally opened without making a single noise. As soon as your eyes met Sebastian's, you jumped up to hug him. He caught you can held you tightly against his chest, burying his face into your soft (h/c) hair . You took a fistful of his shirt, holding onto him as if he was the only thing keeping you alive, forgetting about everything else going on in your life as you sobbed quietly into his chest. For a moment, you forgot that Claude was there, and you didn't care about anything anymore. Sebastian pulled away slightly so he could look into your (e/c) teary eyes. He kissed your forehead and stroked your hair gently with his left hand, keeping his other arm wrapped tightly around your body. You sobbing turned into crying as Claude cleared his throat, making you realize that he was still there, and that you had to tell Sebastian why. 

- S-sebastian... I-I did some...thing really ba-ad...

You tried your best to speak, but the sadness and anger you felt formed  a huge lump in your throat, making it practically impossible to force the words out. Sebastian, however, stayed surprisingly calm. He continued to gently stroked your hair, and his eyes urged you to tell him what you did. You didn't want to, you felt so stupid and disgusted with yourself, but you had to. One of your hands left the demon's shirt and reached up for the cloth that was resting against your marked cheek, which was still hurting as if it had been set on fire a few seconds ago. The red-eyed man stayed silent when he saw the mark on your cheek, but you could clearly see his face darken. He looked angry. No, it was more powerful than that. He looked like he was holding back a storm of rage, and you could see the murderous glare he shot Claude. 

- How did this happen? Please, tell me everything. 

You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in your throat, wiping away the tears that were still escaping from your eyes. 

- Claude locked me into a room with no doors or windows, and told me that he wouldn't let me out unless I made a contract with him. I was scared and weak. He didn't give me anything to eat and I wanted nothing but to leave that room. It felt like I was suffocating, and I didn't know what to do, so I accepted to make I contract with him. 

Hatred. Pure hatred in his eyes as he looked at Claude once again. His grip around your body tightened. You could tell he was holding himself back, you could tell he wanted to jump forward and kill the other demon right there and then. However, you also knew he would never do that in front of you. You supposed he didn't want to scare you, even if you weren't really bothered by violence. Especially if it was to protect yourself or someone you loved. 

- How dare you do that to her?

- It was the only way I could protect her from people like you. 

- It was extremely selfish of you. Not only did you scare her half to death, but you refused to take her feelings into account. And you dare claim that you love her? Don't make me laugh. 

- It was for her own safety. I do love her, Michaelis. And she loves me too. Don't you, (f/n)?

Your hold onto Sebastian's shirt tightened. Claude really scared you, even when Sebastian was there to protect you. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry even harder. The scariest thing about that man was that he genuinely thought you loved him as much as he loved you, or pretended to love you, anyway. You opened your mouth to answer, but were interrupted by another voice coming from behind Sebastian. You felt the tears threatening to fall again when you recognized the voice. 

- Sebastian, what is going on? 

Ciel stepped out of the house and into the night. He didn't see you at first, eye focused of Claude. However, when he did notice you, his jaw dropped and he instantly pulled you away from Sebastian and into a bone-crushing hug. This surprised you, considering you knew the blue-haired boy wasn't very fond of physical contact. He always made an exception for you though, and you were quick to return his hug. When you pulled away, he gasped at the sight of your mark. His hand reached up to touch your cheek, and you screamed in pain as soon as his skin made contact with yours. Fear and worry washed over the three men and showed clearly on their faces. Ciel took your hands in his slightly larger ones and looked you in the eye.

- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I know how it feels, I can help you get through this. 

You nodded but felt a shiver run down your spine as Claude's gaze moved from Sebastian's face to the back of your head. That was when you remembered the deal you two had. Not only did you have to stay with him for eternity, but you couldn't order him to leave and not come back until the day you died so he could collect your soul. You had to stay with him, you promised you would. Not that you didn't want to leave, but since you were linked to him by a magical bond you couldn't do anything. Ciel was about to start dragging you inside the manor when Claude's voice broke the silence. 

- Since none of you seem to understand that you should stay away from what is mine, I challenge you to a duel. 

Your entire body froze and you looked up at Sebastian, who simply raised an eyebrow and smiled. A shiver ran down your spine. After living in this house for several months, you knew what that smile meant. It was the raven-haired butler's way of showing anger. This wasn't going to end well. Claude ignored the smile on the other demon's face and continued. 

- Tomorrow evening we will meet here. I will fight you, Sebastian Michaelis, and whoever wins gets to keep (f/n). 

- It will a be a deathmatch, I suppose?

Claude smirked and pushed his glasses further up his nose. He turned his head slightly and your (e/c) eyes caught his golden ones. You jumped slightly, that smirk making you even more terrified. 

- Of course. 

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