Golden eyes and a Stranger

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Some things were understandable. Elizabeth always disappearing without feeling the need to tell you, was understandable. Ciel always doing his best to keep a smile on your face, was understandable. Sebastian always making sure you had everything you needed, was understandable. But being invited to a ball by someone you didn't even know, wasn't. A few days ago, you had received an invitation from an Earl Trancy, who you had never heard about, to a ball taking place at his manor in a few hours. You had told Ciel of course, and he had offered to join you. You gladly accepted and were now  staring intensely at the magnificent Phantomhive estate as your carriage made its way up the path. Your piercing (e/c) orbs could already see the Earl and his butler standing in front of their own carriage, patiently waiting for your arrival. You suddenly came to a stop and Sebastian opened the door to your right, a charming smile plastered on his face. He took your hand and you got off. Your (f/c) dress gently copied your every move, as the (2nd f/c) jewels hanging from your necklace reflected the light of the full moon. The wind softly caressed your (h/l) (h/c)  and your (e/c) sparkled as you looked at the two males, leaving them in hypnotized by the sight. Sebastian kissed the back of your hand, as usual, and his master did the same. You had the usual sweet smile covering the stress hiding in the pit of your stomach. 

- How are you today, (f/n)?

- Fine, thank you. How are you?

- Good thank you.

- And you Sebastian?

The raven-haired butler gave you the usual surprised look he always pulled when you took interest in him, but didn't take too long to respond.

- Fine, thank you Lady (f/n). It's a beautiful night.

- Indeed.

- Shall we get going (f/n)?

You turned to look at Ciel and nodded. For some reason he always got jealous when you spoke to Sebastian. You thought he acted that way because he was scared of losing his friend, but the young Earl would never lose your friendship, no matter what happened. The Phantomhive butler held the carriage door open for you and you thanked him as you got on. You sat down and the blue-haired boy sat opposite you, smiling softly at you. He didn't look nervous at all. It looked more like annoyance than stress. It was obvious to you that your friend and the Earl Trancy knew each other, and you were wondering wether or not it would be rude to ask questions about this stranger you were going to meet. After a short debate with yourself you took a deep breath and looked at Ciel.

- May I ask you a question?

- Why of course.

- Who is this Earl Trancy?

Ciel shifted uncomfortably and you instantly thought you shouldn't have asked. But it was too late. He looked at you and smiled again.

- The Queen's spider. 

- I see.

You didn't. You had no idea what he meant by that, but you didn't want to ask anything else and make the Earl any more uncomfortable. Your gaze went back to the fields processing past your window, and your mind became lost into the night. When you snapped out of your thoughts, the carriage came to a stop. You looked outside excitedly and saw an even stranger place than the Phantomhive estate. You didn't know if it was any bigger, but even from the outside it had this strange, creepy atmosphere to it.  You stepped outside the carriage and were greeted by a pair of golden orbs hidden behind spectacles. 'Wait a second...' you thought as your eyes stayed fixated on the man's face. It was the stranger from the market, there was no doubt about it. 'So he is the Trancy butler?'

-  Good evening Sir.

- Good evening my Lady. I am Claude Faustus, the butler of the Trancy estate. 

- (f/n) (l/n).

You smiled sweetly at him, but he just looked at you with cold eyes. You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned your head, only to see Sebastian. The two butlers stared at each other for what felt like hours, and the tension between them was easily noticeable. 

- Lady (f/n)!

You turned your head and where pulled into a suffocating hug. You stood there in surprise as wild blond hair invaded your sight. Once the stranger pulled away you straightened your dress and looked into the boy's blue eyes. He looked a bit older than Ciel and yourself, but you were all still children. He smiled a sneaky, perverted smile and opened his arms. 

- I was so excited to meet you! It's a shame I have never seen you before, look at that face! She's beautiful, don't you think Claude?

- Indeed your highness. 

You blushed and thanked the Earl. You took a quick glance at his outfit and found it absolutely outrageous. 'What is he wearing? I have never seen such informal outfit.' you thought, truly disgusted. You looked back at Ciel. He was looking at the Trancy boy the same way Sebastian had looked at Claude. You looked around you and gasped quietly as the cold air hit your soft skin. 

- Excuse me, Earl Trancy?

- Don't be so formal (f/n)! Just call me Alois!

- Fine, Alois. Would it be rude to ask if we could go inside?

- Are you getting cold?

- Yes. 

He gave you another one of his smiles as took your hand. You blushed and he started dragging you to the huge estate standing a few meters away from the five of you. You could hear Ciel's quick footsteps close to your hears as he was trying to keep up with you and Alois. To be honest, you were trying very hard to keep up the Earl Trancy as well. You were honestly a bit shocked by his behavior. He was acting as if the two of you had been friends for years, and it made you feel a little uncomfortable. But on the other hand, you were fascinated by this strange place and its strange people. You smiled to yourself, imagining what was to happen next, as the door to the manor opened and a bright light wrapped itself around you.

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