Different species

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You had been living at the Phantomhive Estate for about a month now. After being kidnaped by Alois Trancy and escaping, you tried to go home, but your father wouldn't let you in the mansion because you were wearing boys' clothes and refused to take them off. You actually like wearing trousers and shorts, they were more comfortable than dresses anyway. Regardless, some of the things your parents had said to you, mostly being that you were a disappointment and an dishonour, made you realize that happiness was somewhere else. So you went back to the Phantomhive Mansion that night and you had been there ever since. Ciel let you wear boys' clothes, run around the gardens, climb trees, and talk to Finny, Bardroy and Mey Rin all day without saying anything. Of course, you also tried to keep him company as much as possible when he wasn't busy with all of his daily activities. 

You were currently sitting on one of the highest branches of your favorite tree, looking around for something to do, or for someone to annoy. Usually, you would play small pranks on Sebastian, and it was quite funny for you to watch. He didn't ever get mad at you, although you didn't really understand why. Most of the time he would just ruffle your hair and walk away smiling. Not smirking, smiling. You blinked as you realized something, Grell said he would come over and spend time with you today. You jumped down and started walking towards the mansion. However, before you could reach the steps that led to the huge glass door a few metres in front of you, you were tackled down to the ground, landing face first on the soft glass. You tried to blow away the red sea of hair that flooded your face, but in vain. 

- Good afternoon, (f/n)!

- Grell... you're crushing me... 

- Oh! How silly of me! Sorry my darling!

He got off of you and helped you up. You gave him a quick hug before beginning to walk towards your favorite bench. It was a simple bench made out of stone in the middle of the gardens, but it was where you and Grell always went when you needed a quiet place to chat. 

- So, how has your day been so far Grell? 

- Ugh, absolutely terrible darling!

- What's happened?

- William is just constantly on my back! Always saying I don't do enough work. Which isn't true! I swear, if he wasn't so hot I would kill him! 

You giggled slightly, and then started wondering what your red-haired friend actually did for a living. You always heard him complain about his job and his boss, William, but you'd never been told what the job was actually all about. Perhaps now was a good opportunity to ask him.

- Hey, you never actually told me, what do you do for a living? 

His eyes widened slightly, soon followed by his grin. He let out a heavy sigh and looked straight into your (e/c) eyes with his green and yellow ones. 

- Promise me you won't laugh or run away. 

You arched an eyebrow and gave him a concerned look. His job couldn't be that bad or weird... could it? 

- I...euhm... Promise? 

- Alright. Well, I'm a Shinigami. Also referred to as 'Grim Reaper'. 

Your eyes widened in surprise, and your jaw dropped. A Grim Reaper? As in, the spirit supposed to collect the souls of people right after they have died? Surely he was joking. If what he said was true, that would make him immortal, and give him some sort of powers, right?

- Really?

- Yes, really. 

- That's amazing! 

He looked at you with a surprised expression as your eyes sparkled in amazement. Your best friend was a grim reaper, how could anyone not find this amazing? You spent the rest of the day talking to Grell about his job and what it was all about, and you were so focused on the conversation that you didn't realize how late it had gotten. You jumped slightly as a gloved hand appeared out of nowhere and gently grabbed your shoulder. You let out quite the girly scream and turned around, welcomed but the sight of a smirking Sebastian. 

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