Left behind

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Ciel and Elizabeth had left you in the study of the Phantomhive manor for what seemed like hours. Apparently the Earl needed to talk to your friend about some private matters. Of course, you said you didn't mind. You weren't bored, you were never bored. Your mind kept wandering back to the whistling you had heard earlier this afternoon. 'God, where do I know this melody from?' You scanned through your memories for the hundredth time but couldn't remember. You snapped out of your thoughts when the door opened. Sebastian walked into the room and looked at you with a surprised look on his face.

- Lady (first name)?

- Yes?

- I wasn't aware of your presence at the manor. I thought you had left with Lady Elizabeth.

- I beg your pardon? Elizabeth has left?

- About an hour ago, yes. 

You chuckled lightly but you were boiling inside. How rude of her to leave you behind like this! How could she forget about you? Didn't she have any manners? Of course she didn't... Well, to you she didn't. You stood up and walked gracefully towards the butler.

- I am sorry for staying so long. I hadn't realize Lady Elizabeth was gone. I will be on my way now. 

- Didn't you come with Lady Elizabeth?

- I did.

- How are going to get home?

- It's fine, I'll walk. 

- Don't be silly.

Sebastian turned around to face the voice behind him: Ciel Phantomhive. You smiled at him and he smiled back. The young Earl stepped into the room as his butler bowed slightly. You still hadn't got over the fact that your friend had left you behind, and were using all of your willpower not to explode. 

- It's extremely late and you live far away. A lady shouldn't wander outside on her own at night. Sebastian, get a carriage ready.

- Yes, my Lord. 

Sebastian bowed and excited the room, leaving you completely alone with Ciel for the first time since you had met him. He sat at his desk and you got back to your chair. You stared at him for a moment before taking a deep breath.

- Ciel?

- Yes?

- May I ask you a question?

- Of course you may. 

- Is Sebastian your only servant?

He chuckled and locked eyes with you. 

- I have a maid, a cook, and a gardener. 

- How come I have never seen them?

- You were only here three times. 

You thought about it for a second before laughing at how stupid you had been. You had only been here for three day; therefore, it was not surprising you didn't know everything about this mysterious place. You kept a smile on your face as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. You looked down at your hands. You enjoyed the Earl's company, even if you didn't speak a lot. He was... relaxing. You started thinking about Elizabeth, and the urgent conversation the two had to have. You were curious about what they had been talking about; but of course, you didn't ask. 'This is none of my business. If they had wished for me to know, they would have had the conversation right in front of me.' You looked up from your hands only to see Ciel staring intensely at you. He smiled again, you really liked his smile. 

- Do you enjoy my fiancé's company, Lady (first name)?

You were a bit taken aback by his question. Of course you enjoyed Elizabeth's company, but why would he ask you that? Why would he care? You didn't know what to reply at first; but after a few seconds, you still managed to form a sentence.

- Yes I do.

- You hesitated.

Once again, you were confused. 'I didn't hesitate...did I? No. Of course not. I was just surprise by the question, that's all... Right?' You started to seriously wonder if this conversation had a purpose. It probably didn't, therefore it did not need to continue. But ending a conversation like that would be rude. Plus, you were curious about why he asked you this question.

- I didn't hesitate. I was simply surprised by your question. I wasn't expecting you to ask that.

- I see.

He smiled and you smiled yet another time. You had now grown curious. 'Why did he ask me that? I could just ask him really... But wouldn't that be rude? Agh. Why didn't any of my tutors tell me how to act in a situation like this?' After a few minutes of silence, you decided to let curiosity take over you for the first time in your entire life.

- If I may, why did you wish to know?

- Well, I know Elizabeth can be quite a handful sometimes. Yet, you always manage to stay calm and keep that lovely smile on your face. I was just wondering if it was a simple act or if your truly liked her. 

- I truly like her. She is the only one I can call my friend and I would do anything to make her happy.

- Even if it involves putting up with her silly, unlady-like behavior.

You were shocked. It felt just as if Ciel could read your thoughts. How could he tell the way you felt so easily? Was he feeling the same way towards Elizabeth? 

- Do you feel the same?

- I do. 

You nodded in understanding. The young Earl looked at you and his eyes were full of happiness; like he had finally found someone that could understand the way he felt about Elizabeth, and perhaps other things as well. You smiled at each other and he stood up. He walked around his desk and stopped in front of you. You stood from your seat and he took your hand.

- I feel like we understand each other, and somehow have a similar way of thinking. Lady (first name), may you do me a favor?

- Of course, My Lord. Anything.

- Become my friend. 

You stared at him for a few seconds: analyzing his face to see if he was being serious or not. You could tell by the look in his eyes that the demand was genuine. You smiled once again, taking his hand into your smaller ones.

- I shall try my best to please you, My Lord.

- Thank you.

You both smiled and the door opened once again. A smirking Sebastian walked into the room and looked at the both of you. You could tell he wasn't even thinking about questioning why his master and you were holding hands; much to your appreciation.

- My Lady, Master, the carriage is ready.

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