The Market

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Curiosity was really starting to get over you now, which was absolutely unacceptable for a lady. You were walking around the market with Elizabeth. Actually, she was dragging you, literally; she had her hand wrapped tightly around you wrist and was had been dragging you around all morning. The place itself wasn't even that interesting, but your friend was constantly squeaking  at how 'absolutely adorable' some objects were. You sighed as Elizabeth dragged you towards a stall selling instruments. You spotted a beautiful violon and stared at it for a few seconds. 

- Anything interesting here?

You jumped at the Ciel's voice behind you. You spun around and smiled at him. 

- I wasn't expecting you to be here, Ciel.

- Did I scare you?

- Why, yes you did. 

He chuckled and your smile grew wider. You looked behind the Earl and waved at Sebastian. The butler smirked and stepped forward. He gently took your hand and kissed it. Ciel shot a glare at the raven-haired man, which you didn't understand. 'It's not rude at all for a butler to do that. Why did he give Sebastian that look?'

- A pleasure to see you, Lady (first name).

- Pleasure is all mine. I have missed you both. 

They both blushed and you giggled. Elizabeth turned around, only realizing just now that her fiancé had arrived, and jumped in the air. She wrapped her arms around Ciel and pulled him into a suffocating hug. You were started to think that perhaps you should help him, but your attention went to Sebastian, who was gently tapping your shoulder.

- Yes?

- Do you play an instrument, my Lady?

- Yes, I do. I play the violon. 

- Truly beautiful. 

- Thank you. I am actually quite interested in this one, here.

You pointed towards the violon and Ciel appeared next to you. Elizabeth was gone once again, but you could hear her annoying, unlady-like squeaking in the distance. You looked at the Earl who stared at the instrument for a while, before locking eyes with you.

- I would like to pay for this violon. 

- Oh, it's fine. I have enough money. 

- It would make me happy to buy it for you. 

You could see the happiness in his eyes, so you smiled and nodded. He paid, you took the violon, and the three of you started walking along the streets again. You were walking at a slow pace next to Ciel, and Sebastian was walking behind you. Although there were a lot of people around, it was a relatively quiet day; and you were enjoying the calm very much. That's when it hit you. 

- Where is Elizabeth? 

- Do not worry, Sebastian will find her.

- Yes, My Lord.

And with that, the butler disappeared in the small crowd; leaving you alone with Ciel once again. You were kind of surprised when he linked arms with you; but then you remembered your promise to be his friend, so you didn't say anything, nor did you think too much of it anyway. You started humming to yourself. It was the melody you heard at the Phantomhive gardens. 

- Where do you know this melody from? 

- I don't really know. I heard someone whistling it when I was at your manor. I am pretty sure I have heard it before, but I can't remember where or when. 

- I see.

- Do you know it?

- London bridges.

You thought about it for a second; analyzing what he had said and trying to link it to some of your memories. Then you smiled again. 

- Yes, I remember now. My mother used to sing it to me when I was a child.

- So did mine. 

You started humming again and you could feel Ciel's gaze on you. You just decided to ignore it and focused on the people around you. The crowd had gotten bigger and it felt just as if you had left the previous market for another one. The Earl tightened his grip around your arm and you did the same; you were starting to feel uncomfortable with all these people around you. 

- Is something the matter?

You turned your head to look at Ciel, and right as you were about to respond you walked into someone. You looked up at them and your (e/c) met golden ones. You had never seen such eyes before, and you found that color quite beautiful.

- I apologize, Sir. I didn't see you.

- No need to apologize my Lady. I should have been looking where I was going. 

You smiled but got no response. The man took a glance at Ciel from behind his spectacles . The boy tightened his grip on your arm one again, and glared at the raven-haired man standing before the two of you. The Earl started walking away from the stranger at an extraordinary fast pace, still holding your arm firmly. You tried your best to keep up with him but in vain. You stopped as Ciel made a turn in an empty street. He looked back at you, while you were trying to catch your breath.

- Are you alright, (first name)?

- Yes, just out of breath.

- I apologize for walking away so quickly.

- It's fine. But, may I ask you a question?

- Of course.

- Who was this man?

- No one worth mentioning.

You decided it would be a good idea not to ask any further questions and straightened you dress. You looked around the empty street and smiled again. The place was quiet and relaxing, and it felt like you could finally breathe. You then went back to wondering where Elizabeth was, and whether or not Sebastian had managed to find her. 'Of course he has. I trust him.' You looked back at Ciel and locked eyes with him. He smiled and stepped towards you. 

- Thank you for staying with me.

- It's perfectly fine, Ciel. It was my pleasure. 

His smile grew wider as he stepped even closer to you. You started to find his attitude a bit odd when a familiar voice called from behind you.

- (First name)! Ciel! 

You turned around and smiled at Elizabeth, who was already jumping up and down like a child. Sebastian walked into the empty street and smiled at you. After taking some time to listen to what your friend had to say about what 'absolutely adorable' items she had found today, you excused yourself and Elizabeth; you both had to get back to your families. Ciel and Sebastian walked back with you for a few minutes before going their separate way. You smiled at them and waved before they disappeared into the crowd again, and Elizabeth's chatter filled your ears.

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