The First Servant

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Today was a very nice day. The sun shone upon your face and the wind broke through your (h/l) (h/c) hair as you walked through the Phantomhive gardens. You still didn't know who the gardener was, but he sure was doing an amazing job. Elizabeth had left you once again. You didn't know where she had gone, but you didn't particularly care either. You were frustrated because you had lost the violon Ciel bought you, thinking you probably dropped it when the Earl dragged you away from the man you ran into at the market. You jumped slightly when a gentle hand tapped your shoulder. You turned around and (e/c) orbs met crimson ones. You smiled at the butler and he bent down to kiss your hand.

- Good afternoon Sebastian.

- Good afternoon my Lady. Are you enjoying your walk?

- Very much. The gardens are absolutely beautiful.

- I am glad to hear it. May I join you?

- Of course.

He held his arm out and you gladly took it. You had gotten used to the butler's attitude towards you. It was as if he needed to have physical contact with you every time he saw you, and you didn't particularly mind. You didn't receive much love when you were younger, so you would always accept affection when it came your way. You suddenly came to a stop when a small butterfly landed on one of the flowers covering your dress. You stared at it for a few seconds, and it flew away wherever the wind would take it. You smiled sweetly and heard Sebastian chuckle.

- It must have thought you were a flower.

- Yes, maybe.

- It don't blame it.

You looked up at him and were greeted by a genuine smile. 'What was that all about?', you thought as the two of you carried on walking. It really was a beautiful afternoon. You looked around the gardens. Everything was covered in beautiful flowers and healthy-looking grass. You could spot a few statues and a fountain in the distance. You really had to meet the Phantomhive gardener and congratulate him for his wonderful work. You jumped slightly when a loud noise was heard a few meters in front of you. You looked at Sebastian with a worried look on your face. He smiled at you but you could see the irritation threatening to invade his features. Determined to find out what caused such a loud noise, you started walking forward at a fast pace. You were still holding onto the butler's arm and couldn't help but feel a little bit stupid for needing to keep that contact. You walked around the corner and bumped violently into someone. You fell back, but were caught by Sebastian's strong arms before you could hit the floor. You looked straight in front of you and (e/c) met turquoise. The boy had pale skin and strawberry-blond hair clipped back with five red bobby pins. He worriedly looked at you and took your hands in his gloved ones.

- I am so sorry m'lady! I didn't see you! Are you alright?

- Yes, I am fine. Don't worry about it. What's your name?

- Finnian m'lady!

- What a cute name. It suits you. I am (f/n) (l/n).

- Are you a friend of the young master's?

- I am.

His face lit up instantly. Was he that happy that his master had a friend? Was Ciel really that lonely? That would explain why he wanted you to be his friend so badly. At that moment, you made yourself the promise to always stay by Ciel's side. The Earl shall never be alone again. You suddenly remembered that Sebastian was standing behind you. You turned around and looked up at him.

- Is he the one responsible for this garden?

- Indeed, he is.

The butler wasn't his usual self. He looked irritated and frustrated. You shrugged it off as it would it be rude to tell him he looked annoyed. You looked at Finnian and smiled at him. He looked so innocent and sweet, it was the face of a child. No one could ever say no to such a face.

- I wanted to congratulate you.

- R-really? What for m'lady?

- The gardens are absolutely magnificent. You are doing an amazing job.

He blushed hard and looked away, fiddling with his dirty gloves. You chuckles lightly at his shyness and a smile replaced the embarrassed expression on the boy's face.

- T-thank y-you very much, m-m'lady.

- That's fine. After all, I was only stating the facts.

He blushed even more and Sebastian stepped between the two of you with that usual smile on his face. You didn't know why but you felt like he was in a worse mood than before. It was now a little more than annoyance. Jealousy perhaps? 'No, it can't be' you thought.

- Well, we should probably head back to the manor Lady (f/n). It is nearly time for my Master's tea and Finnian still has a lot of work to do.

- I understand. I hope to see you later Finnian.

- Goodbye m'lady. Have a nice day.

- You too.

You smiled at him and he blushed again. 'He is so cute. Just like a child' you thought. Sebastian took your arm again and you headed back to the manor, while Finnian went in the opposite direction. You couldn't help but smile at the thought that you now knew a little more about the manor: there was an adorable, child-like gardener. You wondered why Elizabeth had never told you about him, or any other servants before. Perhaps she didn't know about them. But how could she not want to know everything about this place? 'I should really stop being this ridiculously curious' you thought, quite annoyed at yourself for being so inappropriate. You tried as hard as you could to stop yourself but the thoughts kept flowing back and invading your mind. You wondered who the other servants were, you remembered Ciel mentioning a cook and a maid. It was in those moments where you really hated having such a high social status: you weren't allowed to be curious and bluntly ask for the answers you wanted. You remembered when you were little: you used to always explore every single place you and your family went to, and you usually discovered things no one would thought were happening. You smiled to yourself at the memory of such freedom, but were stopped in your train of thoughts by Sebastian's voice.

- Would you mind waiting here while I prepare some tea for you?

- Of course not.

- My Master will be with you shortly.

You smiled at him and he excited the room. You didn't even realize you had gone inside. You knew you had a few moments before Ciel would arrive, so you looked out of the huge window, straight at the fluffy clouds, and lost yourself in your happy memories again.

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