Not happening

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You had woken up way before sunrise, and you could already hear the Trancy staff running around and getting everything ready for when their master would wake up. You were still wearing Alois' clothes and just the sight of it made you want to vomit. You wanted -no- you needed to get out of this room, to get out of this manor. You had been spending the past few hours just laying on the soft bed, arms and legs spread out, thinking. You obviously couldn't run out of the room as the door was probably locked and the chance of bumping into Claude or the Triplets was too great. One more thing that was deeply irritating you was that you still had to figure out which side Hannah was on. Perhaps she could be your ally, but you highly doubted that would happen. You suddenly remembered Claude leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before exiting the room last night. His actions clearly showed he had feelings towards you, and maybe you could use that to your advantage. That plan could have worked if only you knew how to flirt. 'Okay... So using Claude isn't an option then...' You sat up and looked around the room, that's when it hit you. You face palmed at how stupid you were, there was a huge window right in front of you. You stood up and quietly ran towards it, pulling the curtains open. You winced in pain and shut your eyes tightly at the sudden brightness, but after a few seconds you were already trying to force the window open. Unfortunately for you, it was locked and you weren't strong enough to break through. You let out a heavy sigh and sunk back down onto the bed. 

You were clearly incapable of saving yourself from this situation, so that meant somebody else had to save you. It would have to be someone from outside the manor as no one inside would help you, probably too terrified of their master's wrath to even think about getting you out of here. Who else could help you? You thought for a second, making a mental list of all the people you had ever met in your life. Suddenly a smile plastered itself on your face, and your eyes lit and shone with glistening hope. Sebastian Michaelis and Ash Landers. The white haired man had told you before that all you had to do was call his name, and he would come to save you, perhaps it would work with Sebastian too. It sounded crazy, useless, and stupid, but it was all you had, and it was better than staying here and be a good Trancy pet. 

You were brought back to reality when the door opened and you turned your head to see who had disturbed your peace, a few (h/c) strands of hair falling in front of your face. The bright, hopeful smile you had instantly disappeared as your (e/c) orbs glared daggers at the golden eyed butler standing in the door way. He walked towards you in three quick steps before stopping right in front of the bed, his slender legs nearly touching the soft sheets. He bowed slightly and pushed his glasses higher up his nose. 

- Good morning, (f/n). I see you're already awake.

- It's Lady (l/n) to you. Only my friends get to call me by my first name. 

- Yes, wide awake it would seem. 

You growled and rolled off the bed, away from Claude, before walking towards the window. You bent forward and rested both elbows on the windowsill, balling your hands into fists and placing your head on top of them. The Trancy butler didn't move an inch and took advantage of the fact that you weren't looking his way to study your body, his eyes hungrily taking in each curve.

- So, how long is Earl blondie planning on keeping me here?

- I believe you should ask the Earl himself, my Lady.

- Maybe I don't want to talk to him, maybe that's why I'm asking you.

- I don't think I am allowed to-

- Will you just answer the damn question?!

Your tone had been harsh, but you didn't feel bad for it. You were sick and tired of everyone bossing you around, and Alois Trancy keeping you as his pet was just not happening. You weren't some fragile, defenseless creature, and you weren't going to pretend anymore. You were going to fight, even if that meant your life wouldn't be as perfect as it used to be.

- I believe he will keep you by his side until he gets bored of you. 

- How long will that take?

- I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

- Why not?

- Because I don't know. 

You let out an irritated sigh and turned around, (e/c) clashing with gold. You opened your mouth to speak but the loud growl that left your stomach stopped you. Claude gave a light smile at the sound, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared. 

- I came here to tell you that breakfast is ready. Please follow me.

- Will Alois be there?

- Yes.

- Then I'm not going. 

You sat back down on the bed and crossed your arms, looking right at Claude. Although his facial expression hadn't changed you could tell he was surprised, and slightly amused. You had to admit that you were quite good at reading people's emotions, and even though the Trancy butler was no easy task, you thought you still managed pretty well.

- Now, now Lady (f/n), let's not be childish.

- I don't care what you think, I'm not coming if he's going to be there. 

- It was my master's request to bring you down to breakfast, don't you think it would be rude to refuse?

You chuckled slightly before pointing at your face.

- Look at me, Claude. Does it look like I care? 

He pushed his glasses higher up his nose shook his head slightly. He opened his mouth to speak but you quickly cut him.

- No, shut up. I don't want to hear it. If he's down there, I don't want to go. I'll just starve to death for all I care. 

Claude shook his head once again and stepped towards you. You frowned and back away, pushing yourself to the other side of the bed, as far from the butler as you could.

- What are you doing? Stay away from me, you freak!

Without a word he grabbed your arms and pulled you towards him, before picking you up bridal style and starting to cary you out of the room. You kicked, screamed, and pushed against his chest, trying to get him to let go of you. You slapped and punched him, pulling his hair and screaming louder and louder, but his hold around you would only tighten. After what felt like hours, you gave up and just let him take you wherever he wanted. You were too hungry anyway.

- I see you've calmed down.

- Put me down. 

- If I do, you will make another foolish attempt to run away.

- No I won't. Please put me down, it's embarrassing when you carry me like that.

He stopped in the middle of the corridor and looked down at you with his shiny orbs. You swore you saw a light blush cover his cheeks, but you decided to ignore it as it was probably just the reflection of the Sun on his face making you see things. Claude just stood there for a few seconds, studying your face, and thinking about your demand. After a short internal debate he gently put you down and you stepped away from him as soon as his arms were off of you. 

- Now where's the food? 

He nodded and you continued to walk down the corridors until he stopped in front of a door that led outside. He held it open and stepped aside. You looked straight ahead, ignoring him completely, and walked through the open door. You walked towards the huge table, where you were greeted by a pair of perverted, sneaky blue orbs. 

- Good morning, (f/n)! You look absolutely wonderful today.

His cheerful voice and the way he looked at you made you sick and angry, and you couldn't decide whether to vomit or break everything at this table, including the Earl's neck. You glared at the blond and growled like a hound before sitting down. This was not going to be a nice moment.

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