I forgot

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You tried to open your eyes for the fifth time this morning, and still struggled for several minutes trying to keep them that way. For some reason, Sebastian didn't wake you up this morning, and the Sun was already high up in the sky when you finally managed to drag yourself out of bed. You pulled the curtains opened and groaned in pain as the bright light coming from outside suddenly hit your face. It was quite a beautiful day outside, but you could still see the black, threatening clouds in the distance. You hoped they weren't coming this way, because today was Sunday. It was the only day of the week when Ciel would cancel everything he had to do just to spend time with you, therefore it couldn't rain. You quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs to your breakfast. As you reached the dining room, you glanced at one of the many clocks of the house, and noticed it was only 9:30. You smiled happily, realizing you still had all day to spend with Ciel, and hadn't missed half of it like an idiot. You quickly pushed the tall doors opened, and were greeted by the sight of your blue-haired friend quietly reading the newspaper, a steamy cup of tea sitting in front of him. Sebastian looked over to you, and gave you the most gentle smile you had ever seen on the demon's face. 

- Good morning, my Lady.

- Morning Sebastian! Did you sleep well? 

- Yes, I did. How about you?

- I slept very well, thank you! 

You smiled as you sat down, and Ciel put his newspaper down to look at you. 

- Good morning (f/n).

- Morning! Are you ready for today? 

- I'm always ready to spend time with you.

- Well aren't you sweet?

You giggled at your own comment, before beginning to eat your breakfast. Sebastian had definitely made more than usual, and he even prepared a slice of (favorite flavour) cake for you. You looked up at him, (e/c) clashing with crimson, pointed at the cake, and raised an eyebrow.

- What's the occasion? 

- You mean you've forgotten? 

Your eyes quickly flicked back to Ciel, and you gave him a questioning look. He shook his head and quickly covered his mouth, but you still noticed the slight movement of his shoulders. He was laughing. You never really heard your friend laugh. He would chuckle once in a while, but he never laughed. After a few seconds, he couldn't contain it anymore, and just laughed at you for a few minutes. Even Sebastian looked surprised, but he was still laughing slightly. You were just confused. After what seemed like years to you, Ciel finished laughing, and shot you a sweet smile.

- Happy birthday (f/n).

- Happy birthday indeed, my Lady. 

You blinked and opened your mouth to say something, only to close it seconds later. You had forgotten it was your birthday. It wasn't entirely your fault, considering you had stopped being aware of the date since you moved into this home. But still, how could you forget something as important as your own birthday? 

- I'm not going to lie, I forgot about that.

You chuckled at your own stupidity and scratched the back of your head, slightly embarrassed. Before you could say anything else, Ciel pulled a small box out of nowhere and placed it on the table. You watched carefully as his pale hand pushed the box towards you. It was quite small, and painted a beautiful midnight blue, similar to Ciel's eye. On top of it, rested a golden ribbon shaped to resemble a small butterfly. You smiled sweetly, and opened the small box. You gasped at the sight of the beautiful earrings which rested inside the box. They were made entirely of gold, and a midnight blue stone rested at the centre of each one, held in place by ivy leaves. You ran around the table and pulled him into a hug, forcing him to stand up in the process. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek. 

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