Hide and Seek

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Here you were again, staring at the approaching estate from the carriage window. Your many tutors had taught you to behave at all times; however, you were a curious girl and you couldn't help but fill your mind with millions of questions about the young Earl and his butler. 'They are just so...mysterious.' You thought to yourself as you stepped out of the carriage. You locked eyes with the raven haired butler and smiled sweetly. He smirked and bend down to kiss your hand. 

- Welcome back Lady (first name). It is a pleasure to see you again.

- It is a pleasure to be back Sebastian. 

He let go of your hand as you turned to face the Earl Phantomhive. Ciel smiled and took a few steps towards you. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Elizabeth grabbing hold of his left arm and dragging him into the manor. You sighed heavily to keep you composure; today was going to be a nice day and your friend's behavior wasn't going to ruin that. When you opened your eyes, not even realizing you had shut them in the first place, your friend and her fiancé had disappeared completely. 'They could have waited... Well I suppose it's not Ciel's fault.' 

- Would you like to follow me my Lady?

Your focus went to the Phantomhive butler and you nodded, your smile still on your (s/c) face. You walked behind him quietly as he guided you through the manor. 'I wonder if Sebastian is the only servant. He can't be, surely. An estate as big as this is way too much to handle for one man.' 

- Please take a seat Lady (first name). I am sure my master and Lady Elizabeth will be joining you shortly.

You hadn't even noticed you were outside. The gardens were absolutely magnificent, and the table beautifully set. You took your seat and Sebastian poured some tea into a cup before placing it in front of you.

- Thank you. 

You smiled and took a sip out of you tea. Earl Grey, your absolute favorite. You looked up at Sebastian and smiled.

- Earl Grey.

- Why, yes My Lady. Is it not to your liking? Would you like anything else?

You chuckled lightly at the worried expression on his face.

- Absolutely not. It's my favorite.

The butler's features relaxed and he smiled. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the silence and the wind caressing your face softly. You furrowed your eyebrows as a loud breaking noise came from the manor. You turned around in your chair and searched for the source of the noise. Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose before bowing slightly.

- I apologize my Lady, but I have work I need to attend to.

- Might I be of any help?

- That won't be necessary my Lady. If I could not face minor issues such as this, what kind of butler would I be?

- I guess you are right. Don't be afraid to ask if you need any help. 

- I promise, my Lady.

He then stormed back to the manor, leaving you wrapped in a relaxing silence once again. You closed your eyes and listened to the birds sing. You suddenly heard someone whistle a melody you were familiar with, and your eyes shot open. You looked around but saw nothing. You stoop up and walked around the table, but the whistling had stopped. 'So I guess there are other servant here after all.' You sat back down and stared into space absentmindedly. 'I recognize this melody. But where did I hear it?' A scream escaped your lips and tea spilled everywhere as two hands grabbed your shoulders, scaring you half to death. 

- Oh, I am so sorry (first name). I didn't mean to scare you that much...

You looked up to see Elizabeth standing there. You were internally boiling but forced a perfect smile on your face again. 

- It is okay. I didn't get burned, I guess that's all that matters.

Your friend smiled and took a seat opposite you; while Ciel sat next to you, at the end of the table. You smiled at him and he smiled back. You stared at each other for a few seconds, and you could tell he could read right through you. It didn't matter, because you could read right through him. You were pulled out of your daze by Sebastian's voice.

- My, my. What happened here? Are you okay my Lady?

- Yes I'm fine. I only spilled my tea.

- Would you like me to serve you another cup?

- If it isn't a bother.

- Of course it isn't.

He placed another steaming cup in front of you, before serving Ciel and Elizabeth. After a few minutes of drinking and chattering, Elizabeth stood up.

- I just had a great idea!

- If only that was true...

You gave Ciel a sharp look for his rude comment, but he only smirked. You looked back at your friend and smiled sweetly.

- What could that be?

- We should play hide and seek!

Ciel chuckled lightly as you stared at Elizabeth in disbelief. 'How could she propose such a childish game?' You thought as you internally face palmed again. She smiled, excitement and joy clearly visible on her pale face as her eyes shone like beautiful stones. 

- If it makes you happy, then I shall play with you. Will you be joining us my Lord?

Ciel started at you, eyes wide and mouth open in shock. He obviously hadn't expected you would take part in a game such as hide and seek, but making the people around you happy was the most important thing in your eyes. You smiled sweetly at him and he nodded.

- Of course.

- Wonderful! I had the idea so I should be seeking, and you two should be hiding!

- Brilliant idea Elizabeth, don't you think so my Lord?

He nodded again and your friend starting counting. You walked gracefully into the maze that were the gardens and carefully looked for a hiding spot. After a few minutes of looking you finally found a small space between a hedge and a marble gazebo. You hid and time seemed to instantly stop. The birds stopped singing and you looked up to the sky, feeling complete and peaceful. Then came the whistling again. You quickly got out of your hiding spot and walked at a fast pace towards the melody. You came to a stop as a loud noise was heard from far behind you. You turned around but there was nothing there, and the whistling had stopped.

- I found you (first name)!

You smiled again at the sight of Elizabeth dragging Ciel by the arm again. You thought they looked quite cute together. 

- Indeed you have. 

She giggled and started skipping back to the manor. You followed, walking at a slow pace next to the Earl. As Elizabeth slowly disappeared in the distance, Ciel's voice caught your attention. 

- You weren't making an attempt to hide. May I ask why?

- I heard a noise, and I thought someone got hurt.

He smiled and linked arms with you. You smiled back and you both slowly made your way back to the manor. You weren't saying anything but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence. You tried to enjoy the moment but you couldn't get your mind off that mysterious whistling. It was intriguing you and you were determined to get to the end of this.

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