Meeting again

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You were standing outside the Phantomhive Estate, between Ciel and Sebastian. Lady Elizabeth was coming to visit her fiancé today, and the blue-haired boy had asked you to stay. You hadn't spoken to her since the time she left alone in the streets of London, and you were quite nervous. You didn't know if she would recognize you. The last the time the two of you had been together, you were still the boring, mature Lady you used to be. However, you now wore boys' clothes, your shoes were always dirty, you acted more childishly, and you spoke in a completely different manner. Perhaps she would react the same way your parents did, and push you away, refusing to ever see you or speak to you again. You chuckled at your own ignorance and stupidity. You had known Elizabeth all your life, and you still couldn't tell how she would react to certain situations. Even if she was quite unpredictable, you liked to think you knew her to some extend, but apparently you were wrong. Simple tasks such as breathing or standing still were becoming harder as you saw her carriage in the distance, approaching at a rapid pace. You glanced to the right, towards the gardens. Lady Elizabeth was still quite far away, maybe she hadn't noticed you yet. If you ran quickly enough you could spend the day hiding in the gardens and she wouldn't even notice you were gone. Your quick glance turned into a stare and you were mentally preparing yourself to escape from this uncomfortable situation, but Ciel caught you before your legs had the chance to start moving.

- Don't even think about it.

- I don't think she wants to see me.

- You're her best friend, of course she wants to see you. 

- How do you know she still sees me as a friend?

- Because it was her who asked me to make sure you were with us today.

You turned your head around to look at him, your (e/c) gaze clashing with his deep blue one. So that was the information he had tried to keep secret all day? That was why he wouldn't let you read Elizabeth's letter? How silly. If he had just told you that this morning, you wouldn't have stressed over this so much, and perhaps you would have had a good day. You made a mental note to get him back later, and swallowed loudly as the carriage stopped a few metres in front of you. Sebastian quickly stepped forward and opened the door. You didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening before the air was knocked out of your lungs and your back hit the floor with a loud thud. You subconsciously wrapped your arms around whatever had hit you as you fell and closed your eyes. When you opened them again, (e/c) met green and the warmest of smiles crept its way on the pale face only a few inches from yours. Tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes and she hugged you tightly, burying her face in your shoulder and sobbing softly. 

- I'm so sorry (f/n), please forgive me! I apologize for abandoning you in the streets of London, and for everything else! Ciel told me everything that happened to you, and I wish I had been there to help you! Please forgive me for being such an awful friend, I promise I'll never do anything like it again! From now on, I'll be the best friend in the entire world, and I'll never forget about you, you hear me?!

You felt yourself starting to tear up as Elizabeth's cries became louder. She felt bad, not only for leaving you alone in London, but for not being there when Alois kidnapped you? You held back your tears and gently caressed your friend's back in an attempt to calm her down. You instantly felt stupid for worrying about how she was going to act around you. Just because you had changed a lot, didn't mean the people around you had, and the girl in your arms was still your childhood best friend. You tapped her shoulder and started to sit up. She got the message and immediately jumped off of you. Sebastian held a gloved hand out in front of you and pulled you up. You turned slightly to the side and gave your friend a hug. She didn't move at first, probably not recognizing you through your behaviour. From what she could remember, you were always telling her it wasn't proper to hug someone, and that shaking hands was good enough.  Once you pulled away, she gave your outfit a quick glance, and her eyes widened. You blushed slightly and started to grow worried. Was she going to criticize you? 

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