The Voice in the Attic

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It was raining, again. It had been for two days, and you ran out of things to do a few hours ago. You were now extremely bored, and there was no one there to keep you company, or entertain you. Ciel locked himself in his study very early this morning, and you knew perfectly well Sebastian was in there with him, so you didn't waste your time trying to look for him. Finny, Bardroy, and Mei-Rin were all busy cleaning the house, or cooking. Or at least they tried. You could've played with Pluto, but he was forced to stay outside because apparently a dog this size couldn't fit in the Phantomhive Manor. You didn't really believe that, and asked why he couldn't just change to a more human form, like Sebastian. When you said this, the demon butler chuckled, and said something about Pluto's human form being inappropriate for a Lady. You didn't really understand, but it didn't matter right now. You were sitting in a red, comfortable armchair, your (e/c) gaze looking out of the window at nothing in particular. Suddenly, you let out a heavy sigh, followed by a groan.

- Is everything alright, my Lady?

You screamed at the unexpected voice beside  you, and fell out of your seat. You looked up, and glared at Sebastian. He only smirked and held a gloved hand out in front of you. You took it and he pulled you up. 

- You scared me. 

- I'm very sorry, (f/n). I simply came to check up on you. 

- I'm bored, are you still busy? 

- I'm afraid I am. 

You groaned again, before letting yourself fall back into the armchair. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you began to fall asleep. It was the only way you could think of to make the day go quicker. Perhaps when you woke up, Ciel would be done with his work, and he would finally keep you company. Unfortunately, you only woke up to the feeling of someone gently tapping your shoulder to get your attention. You opened one eye, (e/c) clashing with crimson. 

- What do you want?

- I believe there is something you can do.

Your eyes lit up and you instantly jumped out of your seat. Your hands both grabbed Sebastian's arm and you started pulling on his sleeve.

- What is it? What is it? Tell me!

- Please follow me.

He smiled at you, and you smiled back. You obediently followed him through the long, silent corridors, slightly skipping behind him. The walk seemed to go on forever, and you were starting to think he was mocking you, and was simply dragging you around the manor to keep you busy. Before you could question it, he stopped in the middle of the way, and opened a hidden door on the white wall. You gave the butler a questioning look. You had walked through this corridor thousands of times, observing, exploring, memorizing every single detail, it was impossible that you hadn't noticed something as obvious as a door within the wall. 

- This leads to the attic. I am unable to say whether or not my master allows you to go up there, but I can't possibly leave you all alone without anything to do.

- You have for the past two days...

- What was that?

- Nothing! Thank you so much Sebastian!

You walked past him with a bright smile, kissing him on the cheek as you did so. To be honest, you really owed him one. There was potentially enough secrets in that attic to keep you busy an entire month, and if that was the case, the weather wouldn't matter to you anymore. You could go outside on sunny days, and go up there on rainy days. Once you had finished climbing up the wooden stairs hidden behind the small door, you reached another door, this time much smaller. You gently pushed it open, and entered the room before you, coughing slightly as dust invaded your lungs. The room looked quite small from the doorway, but as you walked in, you realized there was more in there than you could have ever imagined. You started jumping up and down in excitement, eyeing all the boxes, and piles of old books scattered around the dark space. You took one step forward, grabbing the closest thing to you, which looked like an old photo book. You eyed the dusty cover, noticing burn marks and what looked like stains left by old ashes. You sat on the floor, cross-legged, and slowly and carefully opened the book, as it looked and felt so fragile in your (s/c) hands, and looked at the first page. Three names, at the bottom of the page. Vincent, Rachel, and Ciel Phantomhive. You thought for a second, but it didn't take you too long to figure it out. 'His parents', you thought to yourself as you flipped the page, taking a look at the first picture. A wedding photo. You gasped as your gaze came in contact with the man's face. If that wasn't Ciel's father, then you didn't know who was. They looked so alike, it was almost like someone drew the blue-haired boy according to his father's features. Vincent Phantomhive. His mother was beautiful too, and she looked so happy. Sebastian had previously told you what happened to them, and you couldn't help but feel sad just looking at the picture. You didn't been know those people, but you felt like you understood Ciel's pain. I mean, your parents rejecting you like they had done was almost as if you had lost them forever, so you felt a bit closer to your friend now, and perhaps you could try to help him. You were about to turn to the next page, when a small voice reached your ears. 

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