Going Home

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Saying breakfast had gone terribly wrong was an understatement. Alois was acting like a child and making a fuss about every little detail. He screamed at the triplets about their suits not being perfect. Then, he threw his plate to the floor and yelled at Claude about the mess. Finally, which you were witnessing at this precise moment, he was scolding Hannah about his food. You didn't know the precise reason as you hadn't been paying much attention to the Earl's constant shouting and whining. He was really staring to get on your nerves. The deep need of punching him in the face had been burning inside you all morning, sending a light tingle to your fingertips. Suddenly, he gave a particularly loud shout and threw a cup of hot tea at Hannah, hitting her square in the face. The tea spilt all over her face and dress, and you heard the slight hiss of pain she let out, although she stayed relatively calm and quiet. At this moment, something inside you snapped. You stood up, your (e/c) orbs burning with anger, and walked towards the Earl. You stepped between him and Hannah and gave the blonde a harsh slap across the cheek, the sharp sound echoing throughout the air. Claude's jaw dropped and Hannah eyes widened in surprise and shock. Everything went silent, and all that could be heard was the triplets' faint whispering. 

- And just who the fuck do you think you are? Do you seriously think you can abuse Hannah in front of me and expect to sit there and smile like an idiot? Well, think again!

Alois' eyes had become so big you thought they were going to pop out of their sockets, but you didn't care. You didn't care you had just sworn either. I mean, it's not like anything mattered to you anymore. Apart from finding a way back to the Phantomhive Estate, of course. The blonde Earl suddenly stood up and gave you a hard slap, probably harder than the one you had given him, forcefully turning your head to one side. 

- No one is going to give me orders, you hear me? Especially not a stupid woman like you. Now, I could treat you like a princess, but you're going to have to calm down, understood? 

You looked up at him, brushing off a few (h/c) locks that had fallen in front of your face, your (e/c) eyes swirling with venom. Your hands curled up into a fist and you gave him a quick, powerful punch in the nose, which sent him flying back until he hit the ground in a loud thump. You couldn't help but laugh at the helpless look he gave you, and walked into the gardens with your head high. No one followed you. Claude was busy attending his whining and sobbing master, and everyone else was just too shocked to move, although they were all clearly amused by the situation. 

You stopped in the middle of what you thought to be a forest, once you felt like you were far enough from the Trancy Estate. You looked around for a while, and once you had decided the spot you were in was good enough, you laid down on the soft grass and closed your eyes, smiling proudly to yourself. Everything thing your parents and tutors had ever taught you had just been proven to be wrong. You didn't need a man in your life, to protect you or to provide for you. Obviously you could do that perfectly fine on your own. You stayed there, motionless for what felt like hours, and you couldn't stop smiling. You were happy now that you were away from danger. 

Suddenly, you remembered that you had somewhere to be, and how you were supposed to get there. You got up and took a deep breath, placing your hands on each sides of your mouth to amplify your voice as you shouted. 

- Sebastian Michaelis! Ash Landers! Someone come and save me! 

You sat cross legged in the grass and waited. You were so still and silent that an orange butterfly came to rest on your knee. It looked so beautiful and fragile, yet so powerful at the same time. A bit like you really. You chuckled at the thought and ran your hands through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, messing it up slightly. It was not like you cared much anyway.  Suddenly, two low thumping noises were heard behind you, and the butterfly flew away. You turned around to see a pair of crimson eyes staring at you, along with a pair of purple eyes. 

- You scared the butterfly away.

They gave you questioning looks, but you just laughed and stood up, walking towards the two men. 

- Thanks for coming. I needed help to get back to the Phantomhive Estate and I didn't know which one of you to call first, so I thought I'd just call both. Plus, if one of you didn't show up, I could just ask the other one. 

- Well, now that I'm here, I believe you may go, Landers.

- And why is that, Michaelis?

- I believe (f/n) wishes to go back to my young Master, therefore you are not needed her anymore. 

- When did she say she wanted you to get her there?

You looked at the two males and the glares they were exchanging. You shook your head and let out a heavy sigh. Well, this was a brilliant idea. The situation clearly would't get anywhere like this, so you decided to intervene. You clapped your hands together and both pair of eyes met your soft gaze.

- You know what, forget it, I'll just walk. 

You waved goodbye and started to walked off into the woods, hoping you would find a road sooner or later. You heard quick footsteps catching up with you until two gloved hands grabbed each of yours. You looked up at them and smiled. On your right was Sebastian, and on your left was Ash. They were both looking down at you and smiling softly, glaring at each other once in a while, but the atmosphere was quite nice. The three of you walked in a little line for what felt like hours, through woods, fields, and roads. The scenery was absolutely beautiful, and you honestly had no idea nature could be so beautiful because of how used to ballrooms and expensive homes you had become. You felt in your place here, and you didn't want to go back inside a house ever again. Unfortunately, you were going to have to, as the Phantomhive estate finally appeared in the distance. You felt like you wanted yo cry from joy, you felt like you were finally home again. And you weren't going to leave anytime soon. 

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