London at Night

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Today was a very weird day. First of all, you had woken up with the feeling that somebody was watching you, which made you feel very uncomfortable. The feeling hadn't left you all day, even when you were walking around London with Elizabeth, who was jumping about and squeaking a few metres in front of you. The weather hadn't been on your side either. The usually blue sky was covered in grey clouds and a slight fog had settled around you. The temperature had also dropped, which had surprised a lot of people who hadn't prepared for such awful weather, and you were one of those people. You shivered and held your thin jacket closer, quickening your pace as Elizabeth suddenly took a sharp turn into a random street. You thought you could catch up with her, but you had now lost sight of her as well as her lady's companion. You let out an irritated sigh as the cold air clashed against your warm skin. You kept walking down the empty street, hoping not to run into anyone with bad intentions, and ended up in a small park. You slowly walked over to one of the benches and decided to sit down for moment in order to think of a safe way to get home as you came in the same carriage as Elizabeth. 'Why couldn't she just wait? Is it really that hard?' You thought to yourself as tiny sword of icy cold air stabbed their way through your clothes. 'God, I wish Ciel was here...' Your body shook violently as you shivered once again. You thought that walking aimlessly around the streets would be the worst possible idea, so you decided to just sit here until someone you knew walked by, which took longer than you expected. You didn't know how long you had been sitting on that bench for, but you were getting tired. You closed your eyes for what you wanted to be only a few minutes, and when you opened them again it was pitch black outside. The only source of light was a lamppost only few metres from you. You were starting to get scared. Who knows what could happen to a young lady on her own in the middle of the night? 

- Are you okay?

You jumped slightly before quickly looking up. A man was standing in front of you. He was quite tall, you would say about as tall as Sebastian, maybe slightly shorter. He had white hair and amethyst eyes. He was looking down at you with a soft smile on his pale face. The white suit he was wearing suited him perfectly, and in your despair he almost looked like an angel. You scanned him for a few seconds before remembering he asked you a questions, and you slightly nodded in response.

- I do not wish to seem rude but, what is a pretty young woman like you doing outside at a time like this?

- Well, you see, I came to London today with a friend of mine in order to buy her a new dress for an upcoming ball. However, she seems to have gone without me and I am unable to find her.

You were surprised by your own words. You hadn't sounded so formal in such a long time, and it made you feel like you had suddenly become somebody else. It made you wonder why you felt that need to pull up your old little act in front off this complete stranger, and not your own parents or their guests. You decided that you would think about it later when his soft voice reached your ears once again.

- Well, I can not possibly let a lost young lady alone. Especially at this hour of the night. 

- May I ask what time it is?

- Of course. It is eleven o'clock.

How could it already be this late at night? It was only two in the afternoon when you arrived in London, and you didn't think you had been lost for so long. Your parents were going to be mad, and you probably wouldn't be able to go anywhere with Elizabeth for a long time. Or with anyone else for that matter. You snapped out of your thoughts when the white-haired man kneeled in front of you, holding his right hand to his heart.

- My lady, please let me take you back to your home.

You stared at him without a word for a second, letting his hypnotizing eyes bore into yours, before nodding again. 

- That would be lovely, thank you. May I ask for you name?

- Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself! My apologies my lady! My name is Ash Landers.

- My name is (f/n) (l/). A pleasure to meet you.

- The pleasure is all mine. 

He smiled before getting up and holding his hand out to you. You gladly took it and he pulled you up. You linked arms with him and followed him down the dark, empty streets of London. His presence made everything less scary, and the warmth of his body made you feel somehow safer. You were relieved that such a gentleman happened to walk by instead of some other dunk male. The two of you reached a bridge where Ash stopped an empty carriage, helping you get in before gracefully sitting next to you. 

- Now my Lady, where do you live?

You told him the address and the carriage drove off into the darkness. You were looking outside your window at the passing houses before feeling Ash's burning gaze on you, and you started to feel uncomfortable. It was the same feeling you had all day. You turned your head and locked eyes with him. He smiled softly and you smiled back. 

- Sir, may I ask you a question?

- Please call me Ash. I want us to become friends. And, yes, of course you may.

- Why did you come speak to me?

He stared at you for a second before chuckling slightly, as if the answer to your question was the most obvious thing in the world. But to you it simply wasn't.

- I could't possible let such a beautiful young woman alone at night. Who knows what could have happened to you?

You blushed slightly at the compliment, not being particularly used to them, before nodding in understanding. The carriage came to a sudden stop in front of you father's manor. Ash opened the door and stepped out, before holding his hand out to you. You took it and stepped out before turning back to face him.

- Thank you very much for helping me. I don't know what I would have done if you hand't been here. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see again.

- It was my pleasure to help. 

You smiled and were about to head home when he suddenly grabbed both of your arms and leaned close to your face, keeping them only a few centimetres appart.

- If you ever need anything, or if you are ever in danger, call my name and I will come for you.

And with that he stepped back into the carriage which took off almost instantly. You didn't know how to feel about those last words. You were surprised, to say the least, but mostly intrigued. Why would someone say something like that to a person they only just met? Your confused train of thoughts was quickly stopped when you heard you father calling your name, and you mother pulling you into a suffocation, desperate hug.

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