Never Trust Spiders

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You didn't really understand why you were back in the attic again. A few days ago, you ran into a cobweb and remembered there was a spider up here that could talk. You walked around the room for a short while, coughing a few times as large amounts of dust entered your lungs. Your (e/c) orbs scanned the room carefully, going over each and every box with care, not really knowing what you were looking for. Well, you did, but you didn't know how to find it. Ciel had gone out with Elizabeth for  the day, and he probably wouldn't be back until late, so you didn't have to worry about him finding out about your friend. Since the blue-haired boy confessed his feelings to you, he became quite over-protective, and it was becoming quite irritating. He would get mad every time someone tried to talk to you, even if they were female, and you couldn't even see Grell anymore without being rudely interrupted by an angry Ciel. You tried talking to him about his behaviour, telling him that it wasn't fair and that you should be allowed to decide who you spoke and didn't speak to. He made up some stupid excuse and said that it was for your own good and that he only wanted to protect you. However, you weren't dumb and naive, or at least not as much as people thought, and you could clearly see that Ciel was just a jealous person and was trying to constantly have you all to himself. You didn't like that. After all, you had other friends, and weren't going to lose them just because the Earl Phantomhive couldn't contain his emotions around you anymore. You weren't asking him to be completely emotionless, but letting you have friends and communicate with other people would be nice. 

You sat down on the closest box, breaking into another coughing fit. It lasted for a couple of minutes, and for a second you actually thought you were going to die of suffocation, but the window behind you opened with a loud banging noise. You jumped and screamed, causing you to cough even harder for a few seconds, but then you managed to relax and breathe normally again. You looked to your right, and screamed again, falling off the box. You really didn't see that spider coming, and it definitely wasn't there a few seconds ago. You laughed and sat back down, running a hand through your (h/c) hair in a lazy attempt to make it look better. 

- You scared the life out of me. 

- I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to.

- It's fine, it's my fault. 

- How so?

- A spider scared me... A tiny, tiny thing that couldn't hurt a fly. Well, you know what I mean.

You held your hand out in front of the spider, waiting for it to climb into your palm. When it did, you raised your hand closer to your face so you could take a proper look at it. The little thing stared right at you, as if it was trying to take in all of your features. 

- I'm so happy you came back.

- Well, I told you I would, didn't I? 

- Yes, but I didn't think you would.

- Why is that?

- I thought you might have figured out who I was. 

- No, I haven't. Why would that matter anyway? It's not like I'm going to run away once you've told me who you are, right?

- I truly hope not. 

- So? Are you going to tell me?

The spider went silent for a second, as if it was thinking about wether or not it should tell you who it really was. You were starting to worry. What if you did get scared once you found out? You highly doubted that would happen, but there was still a possibility. After what felt like years to you, the small arachnid jumped off your hand and landed gracefully on the floor. You felt the need to stand up from the box and kneel before the spider, just so you could take a better look at it. For some reason, you were absolutely fascinated by the small creature in front of you. Perhaps it was because you always thought spiders were beautiful little things, but it was mostly because you knew this was actually a person. Not just any person, not a boring human being like you were, but a demon. Maybe they had different powers to Sebastian, maybe they were even cooler! You couldn't help but giggle at that silly thought. No one was cooler than Sebastian, and no one could ever be, obviously. 

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