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You were in standing near the huge window of Ciel's study. Your worried gaze scanned the scene in front of you over and over again to make sure you weren't dreaming. Sebastian was standing near a bush, talking calmly to Finnian, while a red figure in the distance kept getting closer and closer to them. At first you thought it had only been a particularly colorful flower patch, but its strange way of running from tree to tree in an attempt to discretely approach the raven-haired butler told you otherwise. You suddenly felt the urgent need to warn Sebastian about this rapidly approaching anomaly as Finnian walked away, you quickly turned around but bumped into someone. You looked up and your (e/c) locked with Ciel's deep blue ones.

- Are you okay?

- Yes, I am fine! Sorry I didn't hear you come in!

- Is there something wrong?

- Yes, look!

You grabbed the Earl Phantomhive by the wrist and dragged him back to the window. You then pointed at the red figure and looked at your friend's face, awaiting some sort of reaction, but Ciel only let out an annoyed sigh before holding his hand to his forehead. He looked at you and smiled gently.

- I think Sebastian can handle this one on his own. 

- What do you mean?

- Follow me.

He held his arm out and you gladly took it, letting him guide you through the endless corridors of the mansion and into the green depths of the gardens. During the sort walk you took your time to admire Finnian's work, it was truly beautiful and you would have to ask him how he manages to take care of such a big ope space all by himself. Before you knew it you were standing in front of Sebastian and he was smiling gently at you. You smiled back before remembering why you were here, and worry took over once again. 

- Is there something you wanted to tell me, my Lady?

- Yes! From Ciel's study I saw this red figure approaching you at quite a fast pace and I was scared that you would get hurt!

He chuckled lightly and held his gloved hand out to pat you head, but the electric glare his  master shot him made the butler think twice. He let his hand fall to his side again and simply smiled at you. You didn't understand why they weren't worried that there had been an intrusion in the Phantomhive Estate, and you wondered if they were even planning on doing anything about it. 

- I don't understand.

- What don't you understand (f/n)? 

- Why are you not worried? 

Sebastian stepped closer to you and opened his mouth to respond but a loud noise was heard surprisingly close to your ear seconds before something flashed in front of your face and crashed between you and the crimson-eyed butler before he could say anything. You let out a scream and Ciel just had enough time to drag you out of the way and pull you into his chest, wrapping his arm around you in a protective manner. You opened your eyes, only now realizing that you had closed them, and looked behind you. The very ground where you had been standing was now pierced by a still running chainsaw, held by a rather psychopathic looking person. You couldn't tell if they were male or female, their clothes were telling you they were a man, but their long, wild, red hair were telling you they were a woman. Their yellow and green eyes sent you a death glare and the corners of their mouth curved upwards, showing perfect, razor sharp teeth. You gulped and held tightly onto Ciel, deeply hoping that Sebastian didn't get hurt.

- Grell, what makes you think you can interrupt a conversation like this? Let try to kill one of my guests? 

- Oh Bassy ~ You know what I think about other women getting close to you!

- Please leave.

- But I only just got here, my love ~

Sebastian sighed heavily and walked around Grell, who was struggling to pull his weapon out of the ground. The raven-haired butler kneeled in front of you and looked up into your (e/c) eyes. You were relieved that he hadn't been hurt, and he was relieved that you weren't too traumatized. You gradually loosened your grip around Ciel before completely letting go of him, holding your hand out to the butler in front of you.

- Get up, please. Are you hurt?

He slowly stood up and looked at you with an expression of surprise. No one ever seemed to care about his well-being, not even Ciel himself. That very simple question made him curious about you, he suddenly felt the need to get to know you better.

- I am fine, thank you my Lady. Are you hurt?

- No, I am okay!

You smiled gently at him and he smiled back. You were then brutally shoved out of the way by a jealous red-head and landed gracefully into Ciel's arms once again. You turned your head and gave him a grateful smile before focusing back on the scene in front of you, and you must admit you struggled to contain the laughter that threatened to escape your closed mouth. Sebastian had his arm fully stretched out in front of him, palm resting on Grell's face, who had dropped his chainsaw and was now trying to give the butler what looked like a hug. Muffled words came out of Sebastian's hand as the intruder was trying to speak, which made the scene even funnier than it already was. 

- Will you, please, leave this estate immediately?

The annoyance was clear in the butler voice, and Ciel joined the argument.

- Does he ever stop? Sebastian please make him disappear. 

You couldn't contain your laughter anymore as Grell let out some of the weirdest sounds you had ever heard. All three men stopped midway through their argument and looked at you, shocked. Sebastian and Ciel suddenly smiled to themselves as they had never heard you laugh before, and it was once of the most beautiful sounds in the world. Even Grell started to think that you sounded cute, but no one could ever replace Sebastian in his mind. After what felt like years, you finally managed to calm down, holding your sides which had become painful from laughing so much. You looked up at the three pairs of eyes staring right at you. You stepped towards Grell.

- I apologize, I haven't introduced myself. (f/n) (l/n).

He gave you a suspicious look but finally answered after a few seconds, giving a slightly too energized shake of the hand.

- Grell Sutcliff.

The corners of your mouth sweetly curled up and his responded with a ferocious smile. However, you could feel that he didn't mean any harm to you. You laughed again as he went to hug Sebastian and got brutally rejected once again. You looked at the both of them, then at Ciel, then back at them, and you felt something deep inside your soul click. You had never felt so safe and happy in your entire life, and you decided that you would stay with these people for as you long as life would allow you to. For the first time in many years, your laugh had been genuine. 

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