Walk around the Trancy Manor

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You stayed silent for what felt like years. Alois was holding onto your arm with a little to much affection, and you were clinging onto Ciel for dear life. It felt as if you were about to break the blue-haired boy's arm any second. However, you could not let your host see how truly terrified you were, or how stupid you felt for being terrified of him. Actually, you weren't that scared of the Earl Trancy himself: it was his butler. Claude had been staring right at you ever since you got here, and he had made no effort in being discrete. You could feel his golden gaze staring straight into your soul, and you wished you were bad-mannered enough to turn around, look him right in the eye and tell him to stop, but you were a lady and you couldn't afford being so rude.

- I'm bored!

You turned your head slightly to the side to look at Alois. The corners of his mouth curled into a playful grin as his blue eyes met your (e/c) ones. You felt a slight tug on your other arm as Ciel tried to get your attention, but for some reason you decided to stay focus on the whining blonde.

- What would you like to do my Lord?

- How many times do I have to tell you to call me Alois?

- I apologize.

- And stop being so formal! It's boring and it doesn't suit you!

- Let me disagree with that.

You turned your head again to look at Ciel with a confused look. You stared intensely at him for a few seconds, asking him to explain what he meant, and he seemed to understand what you wanted.

- (f/n) is happy the way she is and that's all that matters. Furthermore, I find that being formal suits her perfectly.

- Thank you Ciel.

- My, my Ciel, don't you know how to speak to women?

Alois wiggled his eyebrows and smiled archly at your friend. You blushed madly, now realizing what the Earl Trancy implied. 'No, Ciel isn't like that. He was only trying to be a nice friend. This is just a misunderstanding.' Then you started wishing that Elizabeth was here with you. Somehow she always managed to make you feel more confident and she always made situations less awkward that they initially were. You hadn't seen her in a few days and you were staring to miss her. She really was your best friend, and one of your only friends for that matter; including Ciel and Sebastian. Your train of thoughts was interrupted by Alois' voice surprisingly close to your ear, which made you jump a little as he spoke.

- I think we should play a game.

- What sort of game do you wish to play?

- How about...

He looked around, probably searching for what game you should play. For a second you found his childishness cute, but when his gaze full of venom landed on the two butlers following closely behind you, you realized there was something about him that sent chills down your spine. You didn't find him cute. Not at all. He suddenly stopped walking and let go of your arm. You let out a sight of relief and Ciel tightened his grip around your arm, if that was even humanly possible.

- How about we make Claude and Sebastian fight in a duel?

Your eyes widened at the thought of the two butlers fighting and shook your head so violently that your (h/c) hair ended up in a big mess falling somewhat perfectly around your face. Alois giggled and reached out to brush a strand of hair out of your face. You blinked as Ciel quickly slapped the blonde's hand away. The Earl Trancy looked at the Earl Phantomhive with a falsely shocked expression on his face as Claude and Sebastian stepped between the two boys, while you just stood in the middle of the scene.

- I don't remember hearing her say you could touch her, Trancy.

- I don't remember hearing her say I couldn't, Phantomhive.

You eyes kept wandering back and forth to both their faces. Ciel's was twisted with anger, and Alois' was full of provocation. You squirmed uncomfortably and looked down at the ground. It was all you fault their were arguing and you felt really out of place. You took a deep breath and looked up at the four standing in front of you. The two butlers had strong holds on their masters, clearly keeping them from jumping at each other's throats. You cleared your throat but none of them reacted, it was as if they had completely forgotten you were here. You took a step forward and raised your head slightly.

- I apologize for creating all of this fuss and ruining the evening. I don't wish to cause anymore trouble, therefore I am going to leave. Thank you very much for inviting me tonight Alois, and thank you very much for joining me Ciel. Have a nice evening gentlemen.

You plastered the usual sweet smile and your face and started to walk away as gracefully as you could, while the Earls and their butlers stood in shock. They didn't mean to make you feel bad, and they didn't want you to feel bad. As you reached the manor once again, you could hear Alois and Ciel arguing in the distance, and tears started to blur your vision. 'Ciel is probably never going to speak to me again after this. How rude of me to ruin the evening... Although I am kind of relieved, I was very uncomfortable.' You stepped inside and your (e/c) eyes met Hannah's blue ones. You gave her a gentle smiled and she bowed slightly, looking away.

- Is everything alright, my Lady?

- Yes, thank you. Could you show me the way out please?

- Of course.

She bowed once again and walked out of the room, you followed closely behind her. She guided you through countless corridors until the two of you finally arrived at the huge front doors. You felt glad that she showed you the way as you would have never been able to find it yourself. You smiled at her once again and she opened one of the doors, letting you step out in the cold night. Hannah stayed close to you until you reached Ciel's carriage, she opened the door and you sat down gracefully.

- Thank you very much Hannah, it was really nice of you to help.

- It was my pleasure.

She closed the door without looking at you and you let out a sigh of relief. Finally you were alone. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, the silence wrapped itself around you and you felt like nothing could happen to you now. A genuine smile made its way on your tired face. After a while you heard the carriage door open again and your (e/c) eyes opened slowly. Ciel sat opposite you and gave you a worried look.

- Are you okay?

- Yes. How are you?

- That does not matter. Why did you leave?

- I caused you and the Earl Trancy to have an argument, and I felt very uncomfortable and out of place, that's all.

Ciel opened his mouth to reply but he was cut of by Sebastian stepping in and sitting next to his master. The butler gave you a soft smile and you forcefully curved the corners of your mouth upwards. You looked outside the window and noticed Alois running towards the carriage at quite a fast speed. Horror took over you features, which Sebastian and Ciel noticed straight away. The Earl Phantomhive knocked gently on the wall behind him and the carriage took of, and you let out yet another sight of relief. You knew you were going to see Alois again, but at this moment you didn't particularly care. All you wanted was to go to bed: it had been one of the longest nights of you entire life.

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