Finally Reaching Happiness

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You stepped outside the Phantomhive Estate, breathing in the smell of the countryside in the morning as the cold air hit your face. The thin layer of snow crunched under your boots as your started making your way through the garden. Everything was covered in white, the tall trees and large bushes stripped from their leaves, the usually colourful garden looked dead. However, a smile appeared on your face when you realized that it wasn't: nature was simply asleep. You continued walking down the snowy path, smiling to yourself without saying a word. You jumped slightly when a large amount of the white powder moved, but relaxed instantly when you saw Pluto rise from the ground. The poor thing was forced to stay outside: Ciel couldn't stand to keep animals inside the manor. You walked up to the demon hound and reached a gloved hand out to stroke his furry head. He groaned happily, shyly poking his large tongue out to lick your small hand. He moved so that his body was perpendicular to yours, and lied down again. Your smile only got larger and you nodded, instantly understanding what he wanted and hoping on his back in one swift movement. Your hands curled into fists as you held onto his fur for balance, letting out a small yelp of surprise when he stood up. You giggled as the large dog started trotting down the path at a fast pace, knowing where you were going without you having to tell him. 

The furry demon stopped in front of the bench you shared with Grell, but the redhead was nowhere to be seen. Pluto lied down again and you gracefully got off, scratching his huge head as you made your way towards the stone bench. You looked at the white demon and pouted, pointing at the piled up snow on the carved stone. He shook his head lightly and got up again, stepping forward and removing the shiny powder in one swift movement of his tail. He looked at you proudly and you smiled, moving to scratch behind his fluffy ears. You then sat down on the cold bench, shivered slightly, and waited patiently for you friend to arrive. You knew he wouldn't take long, he promised you that he wouldn't, but he had this awful habit of always being late. However, you always showed compassion, you understood how hard being a grim reaper was. Or at least you could imagine how it was. On the other side of the path, a white rabbit hopped its way between two snow-covered bushes, stopping for a second to stare at Pluto before continuing its route.  Suddenly, everything went black as two hands covered your eyes and a very familiar voice started talking stupidly close to your ear.

- Guess who it is~ 

- Oh, I wonder. 

He giggled and removed his hands from your eyes, poking your cheeks before sitting next to you. He threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, trapping you in a bone-crushing hug. 

- Sooo~ How's my (f/n) doing?

- I'm doing great. My mark doesn't hurt anymore, the pain disappeared about two weeks ago, and we've nearly finished the preparations for the wedding. 

- Oh~ Am I invited?

- Of course you are. You can be my bridesmaid.

- How exciting! I can't wait! How does your soon to be husband feel?

- He's really happy. For the three years we've been friends I've never seen him smile so much.

- Well isn't that sweet! Will my Bassy be there?

- Of course he will. He told me personally that there was nothing in the world or the next that could stop him from attending my wedding. 

- Oh, he's so sweet...and handsome...and sexy...

You looked up at him, a goofy smile spreading across his features as he stared at the snow-covered ground. You giggled and poked his cheek, trying to get him to pay attention. It didn't seem to work, so you started waving your hand and snapping your fingers in front of his face.

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