Make Your Decision

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You blinked several times, not wanting to believe what Claude just said. Surely you didn't hear him properly. You couldn't have. You rapidly shook your head, feeling stress and fear take over you. 

- What did you just say? 

- I won't let you leave this room unless you make a contract with me. 

- So, I did hear you properly. 

- Is there something wrong? 

- Yes, yes there is.

He stared at you with wide eyes, looking genuinely confused. Was he shocked by your reaction? Did he seriously think you would agree to make a contract with him? You wanted to get away from him, crawl to the other side of the room and cry. However, you had to admit, the fact that he was holding you was quite reassuring, considering how terrifying this place was. You couldn't help it, you had this urge, this desperate need to get out of here, but surely there was another way. There just had to be. You refused to be bound to Claude for eternity. Well, until your death, that was. But still, that was a stupidly long time. You stayed silent for a few seconds, hoping, praying almost, that Sebastian would burst through the ceiling and save you from this horrible situation. You didn't say a word, listening, waiting for Ciel's voice to echo through the room, calling your name. Hell, at this moment in time even Alois' presence would have been reassuring. Just knowing that you weren't alone with Claude would have been quite reassuring. However, after a good 5 minutes of silence you realized that no one was coming to save you. Once again, you would have to get yourself out of this situation, and there weren't many solutions at hand. 

- So, what do you say?

- I need time to think. Why would I make a contract with you, anyway?

- Because you love me.

You laughed, but deep down you wanted to burst into tears. Was this man completely insane? There was no way he actually believed what he just said. So far you never showed any sign of affection towards him, so you really didn't understand how that idea got into his head. For the first time since he picked you up you looked him in the eye, (e/c) orbs full of hatred clashing with gold. 

- I don't. When I look at you I feel nothing but this urge to punch you in the face. 

- Well, then you will learn to love me. 

- Fuck you. 

- A lady shouldn't use such foul language. 

- Oh, please. I'm not a lady. I stopped being a lady the moment I met Ciel. Actually, I was never a lady. My true nature was simply hidden behind all of the manners and etiquette people have been stuffing down my throat since I was born. I'm just a girl. 

- Is that truly what you believe?

- Yes it is. I hated my life when I behaved like a lady. I hated having to act just like everyone else. I want to decide how I act, not let other people decide for me. 

- Very well. I will never decide for you. If you stay with me, you can act in any way you want, and will always have my support. 

- I won't stay with you. 

- Why not?

- Because you scare me. I'm sorry, but when someone kidnaps me twice, locks me up in a creepy room and refuses to let me go until I form some sort of eternal bond with them, I don't want to be anywhere near them.

He didn't say anything, but you managed to see the sadness in his golden gaze. It was the first time you ever saw such a powerful emotion in the demon's eyes, and you didn't know how to feel. You wanted to leave, run far away and hide in a tiny hole where he would never be able to find you, but the sadness in his eyes made you want to stay. However, you didn't have a choice, you couldn't hide from him, and you refused to stay. Therefore, there was only one thing you could do. You shivered at the thought. Being linked to Claude Faustus for eternity sounded awfully scary, and it was probably the worst choice you would make in that situation. However, you didn't see any other way out. You took a deep breath, thinking about what you could. You let your eyes bore into his as you silently stared at the man. No, there was another way out. There had to be. 

- Listen, I don't want to stay here forever and I won't make a contract with you. However, you don't want to let me go unless I make a contract with you. So, how about we make a deal? 

- What kind of deal? 

- You let me get out of here, and I promise I won't run away. I'll stay with you, but I want my freedom, and I will not make a contract with you. 

- So, I give you your freedom, and you give me a promise? Why would I do that?

- You said you loved me. When you love people you want them to be happy, and I'm not happy in this room. 

- I can't let you go just because you promised to stay with me. If we don't form a bond through a contract, then I have no way of knowing if you're going to keep your promise. 

- So, you don't trust me? 

- I do, but I also know what you're like. 

He had a point. It was painful to admit, but you could become quite wild, violent and unpredictable when you had to protect yourself, just like any human being would. Well, you did punch his master in the face after pretending to be nice in order to leave the mansion, so you understood why he didn't trust you. You looked away and thought about it. You couldn't negociate with him, and you obviously couldn't fight against a demon to get out of here. Therefore, there was only one thing left for you to do, but just the thought of it made you feel sick. 

- If I do make a contract with you, I can't go back on my decision, right?

- That's right. 

You thought about it for a second, inhaling deeply as you tried not to cry. It felt like you were about to die, like your entire body was giving up on you. You felt yourself starting to shake, and you hoped that Claude wouldn't notice. Fortunately for you, he stayed silent, giving you time to think. You were quite thankful for that, as all you needed right now was some peace and quiet. The following minute was probably the longest of your entire life, feeling as if those sixty seconds were spreading out over several hours. But at the same time, you felt like you were running out of time and knew you had to make a decision as quickly as possible. You felt a lump form in your throat, painful, trying to block the words down your throat, not wanting to let them escape. Small tears gathered in your eyes and blurred your vision as you tried as hard as you could to hold them back. You let out a heavy sigh, finally gathering the courage to swallow the lump in your throat and let the words fall from your mouth. 

- Fine, I'll do it. 

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