Let Me Out

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You couldn't tell if your eyes were opened or closed, you couldn't tell if it was day or night, you couldn't tell where you were. You blinked several times, discovering that you had either gone blind or were trapped in a pitch black room. You felt the sudden urge to reach up and check your pulse, just to make sure you were alive, but decided to ignore that silly thought and focus on getting out of here. You couldn't help but feel stupid for getting kidnapped by the same person twice. Anyone would've figured out that being near Claude wasn't a good idea and that you should've ran out of the room as soon as he changed back to his 'human' form. However, you were always a bit slower than the others, and it often took you a while to figure out that some people were dangerous to be around. You still couldn't believe you were back at the Trancy Estate. Now that you thought about it, was it even the Trancy Estate? There was no way of telling where you were when you couldn't see you surroundings. You let out a heavy sigh and managed to successfully sit up. You furrowed your eyebrows at how soft the ground underneath you felt. Were you on a bed? Impossible. If you were in a bedroom you would've been able to see at least some rays of light poking from underneath the thick curtains. You would've alose been able to hear the slight ticking of a clock. However, there was no sound at all. The room was completely silent and there was no light source.

- Hello? 

Yes, it was a slightly stupid thing to do, but the response you got was worth it. As soon as the word left your mouth and the sound of your voice started to echo through the room, about ten torches scattered on the walls around you lit up. You gasped and screamed as you looked down. You weren't laying on a bed. In fact, you weren't on the floor at all. You were currently sitting down on a gigantic spiderweb, which filled the whole area of the room. You figured out you were quite high up in the air considering you couldn't see the ground form where you were. The light from the torches simply cascaded down before being absorbed into the darkness about 10 metres below you. You moved slightly and the thin web shifted under your weight, causing you to let out another scream. You weren't particularly scared of heights, but this was absolutely terrifying. Probably because you couldn't tell how far the floor was from you. Fear started to take over you, and the only thing you could think of was the man - or demon, rather - who put you here in the first place. You took a deep breath before calling for him, screaming at the top of your lungs and hoping he would hear you.

- Claude! Claude! I swear to God, you better get me down right now! I'm scared! Please, don't leave me here!

You waited patiently for what felt like hours. You just wanted a response. A sound, a voice, a breath, just a sign that there was another living being in this room. You hated being alone, you always had. You had no idea how long you had been in this room for, but you hoped Claude would come and get you soon. Part of you wanted to start crawling around the new environment and try to find some sort of window, door, or hole through which you could escape, but part of you was terrified of the height you were at and was afraid the thin spiderweb would snap if you tried to move. A shaky breath escaped your lips as you continued to look around. There were no windows or doors to be seen. Panic took over you once more, suddenly realizing that without doors and windows, air couldn't get into the room and you would quickly run out of oxygen. Looking around everywhere, you also noticed that there were no air vents. Was this it? Was Claude trying to kill you, after telling you that all he wanted to do was protect you? You curled up into a ball a buried your head in the gap between your knees and your torso and started sobbing softly. There was no reason for you to be here, and there was no reason for the gold-eyed demon to ever want to harm you. At least not to your knowledge. Perhaps he didn't want to do this, maybe he was just following Alois' orders. You jumped and screamed when someone grabbed your shoulder gently. Not really thinking about what you were doing, you tried to get away from the touch. You continued kicking and screaming to fight the hands off until the person in front of you picked you up bridal style and held you tightly against their chest. 

- (F/n), please calm down. 

- Why am I here?! Why am I 10 metres above the ground?! What even is this place?! 

- You're here because I want to keep you safe. 

- Keep me safe?! On a spiderweb?!

- I made it myself. Trust me when I say that it will not break. 

- I don't trust you! I never trusted you, and I was right! What kind of freak locks someone up in a room with no doors and windows?! Why was I just left here to die?! 

- You weren't. There are air vents lower down towards the ground, so there is no need to be afraid of suffocating. The height you are at and the lack of doors and windows are so that no one can get in apart from me. Fear not, you are safe here. 

- What the hell is wrong with you?! I refuse to stay here! Let me go!

- I can't.

- Oh, and why is that?! Following orders from Trancy, are you?! I don't care what this...this...arsehole wants! 

- I am not following orders. 

You finally stopped moving and blinked several times before looking up at him, truly surprised and shocked by his words. 

- What did you say?

- My Master does not know about this room. He does not know that you're here. 

- You're acting on your own? Why?

- I told you already: I want to keep you safe. 

- Why? Why do you want to keep me safe? Why do you care? 

- Because I've fallen in love with you. We all have.

- What do you mean by that? 

- Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Alois Trancy, and myself have fallen deeply in love with you.

- Don't be ridiculous! Four people can't all possible be in love with the same person! 

- I didn't want to believe it either.

- So, I'm here because you don't want anyone else to have me?

- Correct. 

You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. It wasn't a happy chuckle, it was more one of contained anger and frustration. You wanted to hit the demon in front of you. Hit him as hard as you could until you knocked some sense into his head. This was insane, ridiculous, and completely stupid. If he wanted to have you before anyone else did, then why didn't he confess his love to you before them? You stopped breathing for a second, suddenly realizing that four men were in love with you and you never realized. Now that you thought about it, this explained many things, such as the jealous glances Sebastian would give you when you held Ciel's hand. Speaking of the Earl and his crimson-eyed butler, you really needed them to come and save you. You felt helpless when they weren't around, and you absolutely hated that feeling. 

- So, what do we do? Do I just stay here until I die of old age? 

- No, but there is something that you must do before I allow you to leave this room. 

- Oh, and what could that possibly be? 

- Make a contract with me.

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