Let's End It All

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You jumped and screamed again as Sebastian dodged another hit with grace. This fight was highly unfair: the Trancy butler had a sword, and the Phantomhive butler had nothing but knives. You were curled up in your chair, knees up against your chest, your left hand covering your mouth to muffle your screams of terror as your right one held tightly onto Ciel's slightly larger hand. Both demons glanced at you every once in a while, but you only made eye contact with Sebastian. The mark on your cheek became more and more painful as the fight went on, and you were tempted to ask Ciel if his eye hurt too. However, the only things that came out of your mouth were screams varying in volume and frequency, sobs, and heavy breathing.

When the fight first started, you were confident that Sebastian was going to win, but you weren't so sure anymore. Stress and fear were building up inside of you, making you tense. Ciel had told you many times to relax and that everything would be alright, but the struggle to believe him became greater every time Claude charged towards Sebastian. To make this fight fair, nor Ciel or you had been allowed to give orders to your demons. Which means that he couldn't order the Phantomhive butler to win, and you couldn't order the Trancy butler to lose. You started to regret that decision as the sharp sword came particularly close to cutting Sebastian's head off, but only managing to leave a small cut on the demon's pale cheek. Blood rolled down the man's cheek and onto his chin before crashing on the floor a few metres in front of you.

It felt like time had stopped as your eyes wandered down to the small red puddle. It became larger as the minutes went by, blood from both demons mixing into a darkening pool. You felt yourself tearing up. You hated the fact that people were fighting and getting hurt because of you. You hated the fact that you made a mess out of the Earl Phantomhive's life. You hated that him and Sebastian were constantly giving each other death looks because of you. You hated that Claude had become so obsessed by you he decided to hurt everyone who got between you and him.

In fact, now that you thought about it, if Elizabeth hadn't made you meet Ciel in the first place, none of this would have happened. You would still be at home, getting along with your parents, wearing appropriate clothing for a lady, going to parties, trying to find a suitable husband. You cringed at the thought. Life before Ciel and Sebastian was horrible. You were constantly bored. Nothing ever happened to you, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without your mother, or at least Elizabeth, people told you how to act, how to speak, how to dress, how to live your life. Just the thought of it made you sick. Letting people order you around and tell you who you should be for all these years was a mistake, a huge mistake. The only person on this planet who was worthy of controlling your life...was you.

Suddenly, something buried deep inside your brain clicked. You let go of Ciel's hand and stood up, angrily walking forward until you were in the middle of the fight. Inhaling deeply, you curled your hands into fists and screamed as loud as you could.

- Stop! Everyone stop moving, now!

The three men froze instantly, staring at you as if you were the strangest thing they'd ever seen. You glared at Claude, eyes filled with anger and hatred. Walking towards him with new-found confidence, you ripped the sword out of his hands and threw it across the garden. It hit the floor loudly a few metres to your left.

- What are you doing (F/n)?

- I am stopping a stupid fight that should have never happened in the first place. All of you are fighting because you think you know what I want. You think you're doing this to help me, every single one of you, you think you're doing this to save me...But when do I get to make a decision? I don't remember any of you asking for my opinion at any point.

- (F/n), I only want the best for you.

- Well, that's cute and all Claude, but I think the only person who gets to decide what's best for me is...well, me.

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