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-3 years later- 

"Harry!" I screamed, laying in my hospital bed. "I need Harry!" I fought the nurses who were only trying to 'help'.

"You're going to have to calm down. Your husband isn't here, we're going to have to go have this baby anyways." Harry was flying in from a show in New York with the guys, while I was delivering our second child by c-section. I was taken in to the hospital with preeclampsia yesterday. Harry said he'd be here by my scheduled c-section, but he's not. Little brat.

"I'm not having a baby without him!" I push a nurses hand away.

"If we don't have the baby sooner than later, you might lose the baby." They begun to wheel me out. Apparently the only cure to the thing is to end the pregnancy. Our daughter is far enough along she'll probably survive. As they pull me down the hall, the operating room sign began to become clearer.

"I'm coming love!" I hear a familiar voice and turn to look over the bed. Harry was running towards me in a pair of scrubs and a hair net. He comes around the side of my bed and kisses me. Sweat ran down the side of his face. Seeing Harry made this whole progress twelve times less scary. Well, I was terrified, but Harry helped. "Let's do this!" He smiles and looks down at me. They pull me into the room and start setting me up. The put the little wall up over my chest and make sure I'm comfortable.

"Ready Mrs. Styles?" The doctor asks and I give the thumbs up. "You're going to feel some pressure and pinches but nothing should hurt."

"Alright." I say with my heart basically pounding out of my chest.  

"Baby, it'll be okay. She'll be fine." He says and picks up my hand again.

"She'll be out in just a second..." The nurse says right after I feel the tug. Harry moves to look over the curtain that was placed in front of me. I could tell by his facial expression he could see everything from there. My insides. Well that's gross. He looks at me smiling and I'm just feeling tugs. Suddenly there's a loud cry and Harry looks over at me with the biggest smile I've seen in a while. There's a tear running down his face. "1:37 pm." Harry releases my hand and cuts the umbilical cord. "She's full term. Seven pounds. Three ounces." I smile as I listen to her cry. It was something I've never heard before. Beautiful. 

"We did it love. We finally did it." He leans down and kisses me. 

"Let me see her." I say with a smile. They bring her over to my face and I lay a kiss on her forehead. She's not crying anymore; they've cleaned her up already and wrapped her up. "She's amazing..." She had brown curls like Harry. 

They stitch me up and take me back to my room. I look over at Harry as he stands over her. "She really is a beauty..." He says and brushes around. You could see her dimples with out even having her smile. "She's got your nose love..." He picks her up and sits down in the rocking chair next to me. He's mesmerized by her as he gently rocks the chair back and forth. She grips his pinky finger softly and he looks up at me. "Look Mads..." I smile and nod. 

"Is everything alright?" Liam and Louis walk in together, followed by Eleanor. 

"Look how beautiful she is..." Harry speaks slow. 

"You've done good Har," Louis sits on the heater next to Harry. "She's very pretty." 

"Beautiful." Harry corrected him. Eleanor sits down next to me. 

"Was it scary?" She asks and looks down at her ring. Eleanor and Louis have been married for about two years now. She had a baby about seven months ago. Leo William Tomlinson. I was crazy jealous when he was born perfect. I still didn't have anything other than my daughters urn. It wasn't fair in my eyes. 

"Yeah, a little. But it all worked out. Where's Leo?" I answer. 

"We left him with... someone for a while." She meant Danielle. Danielle and I aren't really on speaking terms anymore. Long story. "We didn't want to disturb anyone here. He was being pretty fussy." Harry hands her over to me and I start her feeding. 

"Where's my niece?" Niall walks in with Zayn. 

"As soon as I'm done here you can hold her." I smile up at him. 

"I can't explain how beauiful she is." Harry pats my head. "She's perfect." He continues to go on about all of her details he finds cute. After I'm done I hand her over to Niall. The boys all fawn over the first One Direction daughter. Liam pulls his phone out and hands her back to us. 

"Group picture." He says and the boys circle around me. Seconds later it goes on twitter. 

"So what's her name?" Eleanor looks up at me and smiles. 

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now