Beautiful Little Lady

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     I pulled cookies out of the oven and pulled my glove off. Harry came down in a white dress shirt and black pants. "Well aren't you handsome." I come up to him and straighten his bow tie. "Since when his this a fancy dinner party. I didn't tell the guys to dress up."

     "Well, we're the owners of the estate and I just think we should look nice. Did you pick up my blazer from the dry cleaners?" I leans down and kisses my head.

     "Yes bear. It's hanging on the couch." I watch him walk over to the dress bag and pulls his jacket over his shoulder. Harry still looks just as attractive as when we we're eighteen. Of course, he's matured in his looks, but he's still very handsome to me. His curly locks were brushed back and his green eyes shimmered as he looked up at me. He walks up and wraps me in his arms.

     "Is it weird to say you still give me butterflies?" He kisses me and my hand lays on his chest. "Forever," he looks down as his lips meet mine.

     "And always." I say once I pull a way. "You're so -" I'm interrupted by the timer for the rolls going off. "Could you get those? I have to get Darcy ready. Let alone me." I smile and he nods. "Don't get anything on your suit!" I run up the stairs to Darcy's room, where she's currently napping. "Darc... Time to get ready for the party." I pick her up and she wraps her arms and legs around me. "You're going to take a bath while I curl my hair. Is that okay?" I grab her a skirt and a nice top from her dresser.

     "Do I get to have tubby time in your big tubby?" She asks and I set her down in the master bathroom.

     "Yes sweetie." She hands me her pajamas and I start the tub. While I was plugging in my curling iron, she looked up at me and started to talk.

     "Momma, who do I look more like? You or daddy?" She sits down on the stool next to the tub and plays with her hair.

     "Well you have daddy's hair, dimples, and eyes. So I'd say daddy." I wrap my hair around my iron.

     "What about you momma?" I loved the sound of her voice. I love hearing someone finally call me mom.

     "Well you have my hands I guess." I smile and she grabs my hand. She puts her palm against mine and her fingers barely reach mine.

     "Oh I do momma." She smiled up and her dimples appeared. She stared at me for a moment before tilting her head. "Momma you're really pretty." I just smile and lean down to her level. "Can I look like you? I don't wanna look like a boy. And you're a pretty girl."

     "Darcy Anne you're a beautiful little lady. It's time for your bath." I kiss her forehead and pick up and set her in the tub.

     "Now momma, why'd I be born?" She plays in the water with her bath toys.

      "Cause mommy and daddy wanted babies. "

     "And who's Veah?" She looks up with bubbles on her face.

    "Nevaeh? That's you're big sister." She looks up with a confused look.

     "Big sissy? I have a big sissy?" She smiles. "But where is she?"

     "She lives up in heaven now." I turn away from her. I've reached the point where I can speak of her and not cry.

     "Oh, will I get more broders and sissys?" She asks and I finish my hair.

     "Maybe eventually." I kiss her head and pour her shampoo into my hand. Once I'm done washing her, I pull her out and wrap her up. "Can you dry off?"

     "Yeah but momma, when am getting a little broder?" She soon drops her towel and looks up at me.

     "Soon. I don't know, okay? Ask your father." I laugh and she runs off.

     "Daddy daddy daddy!!" I walk into Darcy's room and grab her outfit and follow her down the steps. "Daddy I want a little broder." She grabs his hand. He looks up and me and smiles.

     "Well, we'll see. Maybe Santa will bring you little brother next year." He laughs and pulls the shirt over her head. "And put clothes on."

     "Hey, she's your kid. It's in her genes." I laugh and help her finish getting dressed.  

     "But daddy, why do I have to wait till next year?" She looks up as I button her little sweater. 

     "Well, Santa needs a little time to find a brother just for you." Harry bends down to her level and kisses her forehead. "I promise, you'll get a little brother or sister sometime, okay?" She nods and the doorbell rings. Our first guest to see our new house have finally arrived. 

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now