Angry Kisses

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"Who invited them?!" I almost yell, looking over at Harry. My parents walked in and set their things down on the counter.

"Hey Madison," My dad hands me a little bag with Darcy's name on it. I grip the strings tight and set it on the counter.

"I said I told them to come." Harry looks at me then shakes my fathers hand. I haven't talked to my parents for six years. Why would they chose to come into my life now? At my daughters birthday?! They don't think we need to do some talking first!?!

"No you didn't!" I yell back, the crowd gets quieter.

"You never listen to me." He grumbles. Just then, right at that moment, I lose it.

"I'm getting real tired of your shit Harold!" I scream and turn around. "Eleanor watch Darcy." I storm up the steps and slam my bedroom door. Harold always messes things up now! What the hell! The last thing I need was my parents here at this party! I pick up a few things and start throwing them towards the closet. Our wedding picture, the picture of Harold and I when Darcy was born. "Why couldn't have we stayed happy like that?! Dammit Harold!" I stomp around and throw myself onto the bed. "Why do you have to be so stupid?!" I grumble and a few tears fall into the pillow. I sit back up and put my face in my hands. This doesn't have to happen. If he'd just listen to me! If he'd just try to understand the stress here! If he wouldn't lay all the work on me! No excuses! I grumble a few more times and cross my arms. Maybe if he wasn't so selfish... I stand back up and gather the things I threw in the closet.

After I've been sitting here for a good twenty minutes there's a knock on the door. Eleanor knows how to handle Darcy... ugh.. I stand up, wipe my face, and fix my dress. Slowly, I make my way to the door and grab the handle. I twist it and pull it open, only to be pushed against the wall. Harry pushed his lips against mine and held my wrists tight against the wall. He pulled away for a split second for a small breath and kissed my neck again. He picks me up and I fling my legs around his waist. Carrying me to the bed, I nibble around by his ear and he lays over me. I reach down and feel he's pants zipper, debating if I really should unzip it. I'm suppose to be mad at him. Eh, whatever. I pull it down and he shakes himself out of his jeans, revealing blue briefs. Yes, he wears briefs with skinny jeans. I've talked him out of going commando, saying "I won't do your laundry if your bare ass touches those jeans." His response, "Oh but you've touched my ass before", right in front of his family. Yes. His mother walked into the room just as he said that. Any who. He grabs my wrist just as I slip my fingers in the elastic of his briefs.

"No love, that's not what I want." He pulls my hand back up.

"Then what?" I say, thinking that's all he really wants anymore. Just my acts of pleasure.

"No, I want to tell you I love you." He kisses me again. "I love you."

"Why didn't you just say it in the first place?" I smile.

"You wouldn't listen. I decided I should just show you." He continues to kiss me. He sits up and pulls me next to him. "Get it?" He looks down at me. I nod and kiss him again.

"I'm sorry I've been so mean." I smile and lean into his shoulder.

"And I'm sorry I've been such a bugger." He apologizes. "I don't know what's happening between us." I shrug and close my eyes. "Should we be getting back down there?" He asks and takes my hand. I smile and nod again. "And I promise, I'll try to be more pleasant now. I won't make you 'tired of my shit'". He laughs and we both stand up. I fix my hair and dress and throw his pants to him. I come and kiss him as I zip up his pants.

"You sure do know how to fix things." I take his hand. "You go down before me." I push out the door. "I'll be right down." As soon as he turns away I run over and pick up the picture frames and set them back up. "Alright, be normal Madi." I say to myself and down the steps. Darcy runs up to me just as I step off the bottom step. "Hey baby, did you go in the bouncy house?" I pick her up and set her on my hip.

"Mmhmm, me and Leo took Taylor. Aunt Perrie wouldn't let us take Mason." She says and starts to play with my hair.

"Well Mason is really little. He can't jump and he'd get hurt." I explain. Just watching her I can see her thinking, watching her brain work fascinates me. She squirms as Leo runs back in the room and I set her down. They run off together and I make my way to Eleanor, Harry, and Louis in the kitchen. "Our kids are just adorable together." I smile and come up to Harry." We really didn't have to keep a sharp eye on them here. There were enough adults to just casually watch everyone. "Why are we all so quiet?" I grab Harry's hand.

"What are we going to do about your parents?" Harry looked down at me.

"Oh yeah," I actually forgot they were even here. I look around and see my mother talking to Perrie. Perrie?! She's talking to her?! Not to be mean or anything, but why would my mother even want to talk to her?! My mother is so proper and Perrie has pink hair! Since when did my mother talk to people outside we norm?! She doesn't like people that aren't like her! I let go of Harry's hand and slowly make my way to her. "Mom."I say and she stands up. "Where's my father?" I look around as she points to the other crowd. There he is, talking to Zayn! He's acting like nothing is wrong! Like we didn't just avoid all forms of communication for the past six years! What's going on here?! Just then, Darcy toddles up and pulls on Zayn's pant leg. Before my father can say anything about her, I make my way over to the both of them and pick her up.

"Madi!" My father smiles and hugs me.

"Dad are you drunk? You've disowned me! Do you even know where you are? I think you should just go." I say. I know I should be nicer to him but he's been a real ass to me. I turn away as he starts to pull the car keys out of his pocket. "Next time you want to stop in. Talk to me first." I walk off after telling my mother it's time for her to go. "They're leaving." I smile and set Darcy down. "Go find Leo and we can get cake, okay?" I ask as I fix the bow on her head and she nods and runs off.

The party eventually dies down around eight and the boys stay to clean up. I take the last garbage bag out to the road and pick Darcy back up. "Are you tired sweetie?" She rests her head on my shoulder, followed by a quick no. I laugh and take her back in. Leo is asleep in Lou's arms as he sits on the couch. Mason is sleeping as well; Perrie looks close too falling asleep too. I sit down next to Lou with Darcy now wrapped around me like a monkey. "Where's Liam?" I look up at him.

"Danielle wanted Taylor back so he's running her home." He answers and readjusts Leo.

"She lives hours away! He's not going to get home till late tonight! She couldn't wait till morning?" I say, somewhat angry. He doesn't need to be running everywhere for Danielle. He'd do anything for Taylor though. He's just a wonderful dad to her.

"I know, I said the same thing. But Els, we should get going." He stands up. "I had fun today Madi. I'm positive Leo did too." He smiles and they head out. I look down and Darcy is sound asleep in my arms. The house soon got even quieter as Niall left. I looked over at Perrie who was sleeping now too. Zayn and Harry were sitting up at the counter talking, nothing could I hear. I stand up and take Darcy up to her crib and lay her down. I'd rather not wake her up than change her clothes. When I get back down Harry is sitting alone and Zayn is standing behind Perrie as she sleeps. He slowly runs his fingers through her hair and get his lips closer to her face.

"Wake up sleepy head..." He whispers and begins to leave little kisses on her face until she opens her eyes. "It's time to get home babe." Se slowly stands up and places Mason back in his car seat. "Thanks for having us." Zayn comes up and hugs me I hope Darc likes her present." The three of them slowly leave and I join Harry.

"Are you ready to sleep?" I ask and wrap my arms around his neck. He nods and we both head up to our room. "Hey bear," I begin "what do you think about having more babies?"

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now