Bouncy House and Princesses

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I get up and head into Darcy's bed room. She's standing there smiling in her crib, still holding her favorite blankie. I come over and pick her up and kiss her nose. "Guess what hun!" I say and set her on the changing table. She still hasn't got the 'Pee in the potty after you wake up thing'. I change her diaper and put her in some clothes she'll spend the rest of the day in. I pull up her skirt and set her on the floor.

"Yes mommy?" She looks up at me.

"Your party is today!" I follow her down the stairs to the kitchen and she runs around with the dogs.

"At this house?" She asks.

"Well yes, we don't live at the old house anymore." We moved about a month ago from our home in London. Harry thought it would be nice to have Darcy in a more open environment out in the country. The house is nice and big. It has a large yard, many extra bedrooms. It's great for her and the dogs. I look out the window and the bouncy house is already being set up. "Would you like cereal?" I ask.

"Nogurt!" She pulls open the refrigerator door. I laugh and get some yoplait down.

"Can you say yogurt?" I ask, emphasizing the Y. "Yogurt?"

"Nogurt!" She jumps up and down. She's really adorable with bouncing curls.

"Yogurt!" I correct her and sit her in the high chair.

"Nogurt..." I laugh a little harder and open in and stick a spoon in it. She can feed herself, so I sit down in the chair next to her.

"What about spoon?" I ask.

"Poon." She grins with yogurt in her mouth. Gosh I love this kid. I help her clean out the rest of the yogurt. Her speech impediments are normal for a two year old. I clean off her face and get the yogurt off of her dimples. She's the cutest little thing I've seen in a while. I know all moms will say that about their kids but Darcy really is adorable. I love her so much it's not funny. I set her down on the carpet and hand her my phone; she loves playing games on it. I walk back into the kitchen, with her on my heals. I start on the dishes, feed the dogs, and water all the plants.

"Ready to set some decorations up?" I ask and she nods, paying most of her attention to my phone. She's already a typical teenager. I grab some streamers and she follows me around the house.

Pink and purple streamers fell from the ceiling. I pull out the balloon tank that Eleanor dropped off and start blowing some up. I let them go and they hit the high cieling. I don't bother putting strings on them. They'll float down in a week or two anyway. I hang a banner across the doorway with her name on it. I look up to see all four other boys at the door. I look over at Darcy who is trying her hardest to get the door open. I reach up to the top and flip the lock and open it.

"Hi there!" Eleanor says and sets down Leo.

"Happy burfday...." He says shyly to Darcy and hands her a flower.

"Aw!" I say and pick him up. "You're such a sweetie!" I tickle him just a little and set him back down. "You've done good." I hit Louis in the shoulder.

"He was so excited to get here today." Louis says and follows the kids into the living room. He lays down on the floor with them and starts to play. Perrie comes up to me and hands me a little baby. She had him about a month ago and he's still so tiny.

"Mason..." I quietly whisper, just to see if he'll respond. He readjusts himself in my arms. It seems like everyone is just having babies. First, Leo... Then, Darcy... then Taylor... and then Mason. Leo and Darcy seem to run things around her. They're best friends. We don't usually see Taylor around, she mainly lives with Danielle about an hour away from here. It really isn't fair for Liam. He does everything for her. The boys aren't touring for another nine months. Danielle can at least let Liam have her a little longer than just on the weekends.

The party is started and Harry is still in bed. "Is he ever getting up?" Louis comes up to me.

"Well he should. It's eleven." I roll my eyes just as a little girl toddles in.

"Taylor!" I smile and pick her up. Liam walks past me to talk to Danielle at the door. Surprisingly Danielle actually cared enough to come to my house! She literally hates me now. I really didn't do anything, but we'll touch on that later. I take her into the living room and set her down with Niall, Leo, and Darcy. She plays quietly. She's always shy at first, but warms up in a good ten minutes. Just as I turn around Harry is coming up to me.

"Why are we even having this party anyway? We had one last year. She won't even remember it." He says with a tired look on his face. I frown. Just great, picking fights at our daughters party.

"Because she wants one! Now that's enough." I frown. I look over the crowd standing in the kitchen and he pushes past me as the doorbell rings. I don't think I've invited anyone else. "Oh my gosh..." I say in response to who's at the door.

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