Honeymoon Phase

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     I was startled awake by a pounding on my door. "Oh shit..." I mumbled and shook Harry awake. "Harold, GMA is here already!" I look over at my alarm clock. It was just nine AM. Our interview goes live in two hours. Throw a white button up shirt at Harry and grab a shirt for myself. I run into Darcy's room and find a cute dress for her. When I come back in, Harry is fully dressed and brushing out his hair. I run down the steps to throw on some breakfast, dodging around the camera crew setting up in my living room. I crack six eggs into one pan and put four pieces off toast in. Three eggs for Harry, two for myself, and one for Darcy. Two pieces of toast for Harry as well, and a piece of toast for Darcy and I. 

      "I'm sorry guys, my alarm didn't go of." I say as I run past them and run back up the stairs to get Darcy. Harry has her dressed now, her hair pulled back. "Thanks baby." I say and kiss him. I run down the steps with her on my his and set her in her spot. "Here babe." I say and set her little plate in front of her. 

     "Thanks mommy." She says and begins eating. Harry comes down and sits at the table next to her and I rush back upstairs with my plate in my hand. I quickly curl my hair and pin a small part up. I put my make up on after I finish my breakfast and run back down the steps. 

      "C'mon Darc." I take her empty plate away and pick her up, setting her on the counter. "Wash your face of baby." I hand her a wash cloth and start fixing up the kitchen. 

       "Are you ready?" A lady with a very professional looking tablet asked me. I nodded and sat Harry on the couch, with Darcy on his lap. 

      "In five, four, three, two..." She counts down 

       "We're here with the United Kingdoms, and Amercia's, highlight couple! We're happy to invite Mr and Mrs Styles for their first interview together in over a year here on Good Morning America. Well, Madi and Harry, how are you two making it as a couple?" I look over at Harry, ready for him to answer it. 

       "It's hard. About a month after the wedding, the honeymoon phase just wore off. We'd fight about Darcy and everything; it was nothing we wanted to happen it just happened. I mean, we love each other but the stress is just so much. to handle. We both knew what pushed each others buttons and we'd do it on purpose. I'd leave the seat up and then she'd leave her makeup on the counter. As soon as I put the seat down, her make-up would disappear" Harry puts his hand on my knee. 

       "Alright."  Barbara Walters smiled on the screen in front of us. "When did you decide to try to have another baby?" 

      "Oh wow.. " I said and swallow. "We didn't really have a time that we sat and decided it just happened. To be honest, I'm sort of irresponsible with the pill. I lost them then and I just happened to forget about it. I'm still that way now, I have little notes on my phone and taped around the house." I laugh again and take a breath.

      "Harry, did you marry Madi because of Nevaeh?" She asks.

      "Oh no not at all. I wasn't pressured at all. I knew I loved her. I still do. Louis wasn't talking about it. The boys weren't pushing me to ask her. I made the choice and they were happy with it. I was the one that took that risky jump. Nevaeh didn't change my mind." He smiled and switched knees he had Darcy on.

     "What were your first thoughts after losing your daughter?" She continues to question me. I look down only to be nudged by Harry. 

      "You go from this perfect family picture you have in your head to nothing. It was just the two of us for so long after that. There was a link missing. You would see this on TV and to other people but you never imagined you'd be there. You expect it to be all perfect in the end, just like she was inside of me. I never expected anything to happen. She was to be born a perfect baby." I say, holding back a few tears. I look over at Harry for he could take over for me.

      "It was awful. We were so excited for her to get her and then suddenly it was over. Madi cried for weeks. Anything would just happen and her face would crumble.  Watching that happen was the worst part. The wedding, she cried.  I blamed myself a lot for that fact. I should have been home more when she was pregnant. i should have made her go into the hospital sooner. Then when Louis and Eleanor got married and had Leo she was crazy jealous. They had a beautiful baby and we had nothing." Harry looked down as well. The monitor was silent for a few moments. When I looked up Barbara also had tears in her eyes.

      "I'm still horrible sorry." Walters said somberly. "Madison, how did you react when you found out you were pregnant again?"

      "I was terrified, then I was excited to try again. When I went into early labor I was a wreck. I am completely thankful everyday that she's perfectly healthy. I heard her cry when they got her out and it was amazing. You have to be a parent to fully understand how it feels. You breath that sigh of relief. And from that, it was perfect." I smiled and looked at Darcy who was staring at the camera man with the light to keep her eyes up. 

      "Well thank you three. I hope to have you actually here in the studio soon! Best of luck to the two of you."

      "Bye!" I waved and Harry waved Darcy's hand. The camera shuts off and seemly faster than they were put up, they were gone. Harry soon dissapears back upstairs, taking a phone call. Of course, now I'm alone again. I heard him stop talking and the bed move upstairs. "Harry, you get down here! I need you to watch Darcy."

       "Can't right now." He simply says back. I walk up the stairs with Darcy close on my hip and swing open the door.

     "Oh really?!" I say to him, sitting on the bed while browsing the internet on his IPhone. "You can't watch your daughter?!" I say and set her on the bed.

     "Yelling in front of her isn't good." He says, not taking his eyes off his phone.

     "Harold look at me!" I throw a pillow at him. Just after this this interview about how much we loved each other we go and fight. Wonderful. Darcy just looks up at me with her mouth opened a little. "Dammit Harold!"  

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now