That's Love

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      Neither one of us pull away this time. He pulls me closer, with his hand on my waist. My other hand somehow finds its way up to the back of his head. 

         When he finally does pull away, he doesn't apologize, he doesn't looked embarrassed. "Remember how that felt! I felt something! When you go home and kiss that dog, I'm sure as hell it won't feel that!" He says and leans down and kisses me again ."That? That's love. That's someone who wouldn't ever hurt you, emotionally or physically. Please, rethink your decisions." He looks down at me with his bright blue eyes. "I'm not saying love me...just love someone who wouldn't hurt you." His hand somehow finds its way up to my face and I just let it sit there. There is nothing stopping me here from kissing him. Except my feelings for Harry. Yes, I know we may never work things out. I can't just kiss another man while I'm married to him. I can't just say  'Oh, it's just Niall.'  He bends down one last time, his lips barely touching mine. Just as I close my eyes,  I hear a little voice. 

     "Momma?" I quickly jerk away from Niall, giving him a push, only leaving a frown on his face. "Why did you kiss Uncle Niall?" She comes up and I grab her hand. 

      "Because.... because..." I stumble through my words. I had no reason, since he kissed me. "I..I...I had to get something off his face..." I finally say and I hear Niall chuckle. 

        "With your mouth?" She asks again.

       "Yes, now don't tell Daddy." I pick her up. "Now yo uneed to sleep, it's still sleepy time. I take her upstairs and lay her in Niall's spare bed. I lay her down and sit next to her. In minutes she's asleep. I sigh and walk down the steps to Niall sitting alone on the couch.

       "Are you tired?" He looks back up at me. "You've obviously been through alot today." He says and stands up. I just nod and he leads me up the stairs. Laying in the same bed as never been anything any of the boys have worried about. I mean it's just sleeping. I've basically slept on all the boys shoulders at least once... Not on purpose... Just when we were on tour I'd fall asleep in the van and fall over...

      "Well, there's my bed." He says and lays down. I nod and laugh at him. "What? It's three AM. I'm suppose to me tired. Now just sleep." He complains as he crawls under the covers. I just accept his offer and lay down.We lay next to each other, back to back. Mine against his. He's so much bigger than me; laying against him like this makes me feel so little. 

       I lay awake for about another hour, just listening to Niall's soft snores and start thinking to myself.

      What if I did make a different choice. What if I had never went on that breakfast date with Harry that morning. Would I be with Niall? Would we have a daughter named something that Niall's always liked? Would I have kissed Malik? 

     These are the things I wonder about as I lay there. How would my life be different if Niall would have never brought that curly haired boy over. I wouldn't be crying softly into his pillow as he sleeps. I'd probably still live in Ireland, with no fame, and probably a few cats. I have to admit Harry was one of the best things that's happened. I wouldn't trade him for anyone. But I still can't help but wonder, what would my life be like with someone else? 

     I finally close my eyes and fall asleep at four-thirty AM; too much thinking isn't good for anyone.

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now