Daddy Story

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    "Oh Darcy," I say and sit back on her bed and let out a long sigh. "Daddy and  I aren't going to be in the same house anymore." I say and tuck her in. 

    "Why?" She gives me the common reaction back. 

    "Uh... well we aren't going to be married anymore." I move her curls away from her eyes. 

    "Why?" She asks again. 

    "We are just growing in different directions I guess." I look down and stand up. 

    "Is he still going to be daddy or am I getting a new daddy?" She asks and I chuckle. 

   "He will always be daddy and their won't be any new boys anytime soon." I say and kiss her forehead. 

     "WIll I still be able to see him?" She says as I turn to go to the door. 

    "Yup, you can see him whenever he's home." I say and shut the light off. "Now, we can talk about this more in the morning, alright?" 

     "okay momma, love you." She says quietly. 

    "I love you too. And so does daddy." I smile back and shut the door. 

     "Mommy wait..." I hear her get out of bed and open the door again. 

     "Yes cookie?" I pick her up and take her back into her room. "You need sleep." I tuck her back in. 

      "I wanna bed time story." She looks up at me. 

     "Alright, what one?" I ask her. I have a few saved on my phone for when me and Harry were on road trips he could still read to her. "Baby Mouse?" I scroll through my phone. 

    "No momma, I want daddy to read me one." She begs. 

     "But daddy's not here." I say and tuck her back in. "I'll just have to read you one." 

     "No I want a daddy story!" A few tears for in her eyes. A 'daddy story'  is one that Harry just would make up off the top of his head. 

     "I can tell you a 'mommy story'." I say and she pulls her hand away from me. 

     "No! I want daddy!" Tears flal down her face and rolls over on her tummy. I stand up and sigh. "Go get daddy!" She continues to beg and I leave the room. 

     "Niall, please, she's not listening to me..." I say and he nods. He opens the door and sits on the edge of her bed. 

     "No! You're not daddy! I want my daddy!" She continues to cry. 

     "C-a-l-l....h-i-m." Niall spells out. Doesn't every parent spell out secret words around a little kid?

      "Okay..." I go down to the kitchen and grab my phone. I come back up and hand it to Darcy as it rings.

     "Yes?" Harry says at the other end. Well, at least he answered.

     "I want a daddy story..." Darcy says and sniffles.

     "Oh, okay baby..." He pauses. "Well one time, there was a Princess." He starts and I laugh. "Her name was...Darcy. She lived in a castle and a had bunch of ponies. She always played with her ponies and they could talk. One had rainbow fur. " Oh wow, Harry. Original. "Her ponies loved her so much they....they did all the cleaning. She just played with her toys all day. Then at the end of the day, her ponies would read her a bed time story. And she'd go to sleep." I take it we were the ponies?  

     "That did it..." I say as I slowly take my phone away. She rolled over on her side and continued to sleep quietly. "Thanks..."

     "No problem. Goodnight." He says and hangs up. What a nice goodbye. I make my way into the bedroom, Niall's already laying in bed. 

    "She throws temper tantrums?" He asks

     "Only to get what she wants sometimes." I answer and lay down in the bed. Suddenly there is a shift in the bed and Niall's laying over me.

     "So since you're techinically not with Harry anymore...." He says slowly.  

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now