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     "The song.... Madison. You're not going to meet a new girl..." Niall says and backs up a step. "The songs about you. I'll explain when we get off the stage." He says without a smile on his face, actually looking quiet embarrassed. "C'mon, let's go." He says grabbing my arm, "Thank you London." He smiles and walks down the steps. "Now, let me explain... I still have feelings for you. Ever since Kallie walked out on me and you comforted me. The feelings I had in high school came back and...I can't control it." 

      "You do know I'm married right?" I say and sit on a spare speaker.

      "Yes, of course I do. That's the problem. If you ween't I'd try my best...to make you mine. But I can't so I just have to stand here alone. I know it sounds totally cheesy but, like I want you back." He sits down next to me. "I know you're not going to just cheat on Harry again... I know that's not an option after what happened.  I just wanted to let you know." 

      "Just wanted to let me know? Let me know what? Make me feel guilty kissing Harry at night?" I sadly say, even though me and Harry are just going through a rough patch I'm not going to mess things up again. I love Harry too much. 

      "I knew I should have never have mentioned it. I'm sorry." He says with his head down. "We should get home."

       "No, it's okay. It's nothing..." I say as we get up.

        "I just want to let you know, if you ever need anything, I'll always be here. Like I always have." He smiles, finally. 

       "Thanks Niall, I might need you anyway." I hug him and we start heading out to his car. As we drive home I remember I'm still mad at Harry over the baby talk we just had. I honestly don't want to go home but I know I shouldn't be the immature one here. We pull back into the parking lot of the studio where we left my car. "Thanks Niall, I had fun today...." I say and get out after gathering my things. I head over to my car, Niall right behind me. 

       "You're welcome." He smirks. "I hope you don't think of me any differently." He whispers. 

      "I don't." I assure him as I get in and roll my window down. "You're still my Ni." I smile and he leans in my window. Just as both of our eyes close, he leans into me. I feel his breath on my cheek, brushing his lips against mine. "Niall, no." I pull away and look away. "I can't do this again. You're my best friend... I can't mess with that." I say and he nods. The relationship I had with the boys has never been the same since I messed with Zayn. 

      "I understand. I don't know what I was thinking there. I'm sorry." He says and backs up. "Just get home safe, kay?"  

     "You don't have to keep apologizing." I speak again. 

     "Just get home? Okay? Understand?" He seems to ignore what just happened. I nod, giving up. I roll my window back up and put my car in gear. I back up and start heading toward the gate. When I look in my rear view mirror, Niall's leaning against his car resting his head in his hands. I honestly feel bad for the guy, he just can't find love and I just turned him away once again. I look over at my clock, six pm. When I pull into my driveway a half hour later, I see Harry in the kitchen window. I smile and gather my stuff. He comes up to the door once I finally get there. 

     "I'm sorry love, you were right. The guys managed to do it. We can too. We can have more children whenever you're ready." He kisses me just as Darcy walks in from her playroom. 

      "Hi mommy!" She smiles and runs up to me. 

      "Hi baby, did you have fun today?" I ask her and pick her up. Just hearing Harry say that just put me in a better mood. 

      "Yeah, me and Daddy played tea party!" She smiles and puts the tiara that was on her head onto mine. 

      "I was Prince Daddy." He smiles and kisses her cheek.  "Dinner's ready love, whenever you're ready to eat." He wraps his hands around my waist. 

       "We can eat now, I had to skip lunch today." I say and pick Darcy up off the counter. I take her over to her spot at the table and start putting food on her plate. "Would you like potatoes? I know you like them." I say and set one in the middle of her plate. "And some carrots." I kiss her nose and hand her a little fork. 

      "Mommy, why don't we have a blue couch?" She asks as she puts a carrot in her mouth. 

      "Because Daddy wanted a black one." I smile and look up at Harry. 

      "Why does Daddy have a prickly face?" She asks another question. 

     "Well he shaves all the hair off so then it gets prickly." I laugh. Yes, after years of Harry trying to grow facial hair he just shaves it off. 

     "Why?" She looks over at Harry. 

     "To make you ask questions." He chuckles. "Now finish your food, it's time for bed time." He picks up my plate, then hers, and takes it to the sink. I take Darcy up to her room, change her into her pajamas. 

      "Night night Darc." I kiss her and set her in the crib. "Mum loves you."

     "Darcy loves you too!" She smiles and lays down. I flip her lights off and head down back to Harry, who's standing over the sink. 

      "I'm about done here." He says and puts the last dish in the drying rack. "Now, all I have to do is this..." He says and pushes me against the counter, pressing his lips on mine. "I love you." He continues to leave kisses along my neck and down my collar bone. We move over to the couch, him laying over me. I keep a tight grip on his back and continue kissing him. Harry's kissed me a thousand times before this, but every kiss is different. Everyone is beautiful, shocking, amazing. Even the goodbye kisses. They're spectacular. Each and everyone of them. No matter how many times Harry and I fight, I know I love him. I always will. Even when I'm yelling at him, calling him a idiot. I love him. 

      As fast as we started, he peeled off of me and sat next to me. 

      "Well beautiful, it's time for bed." He kisses me again, then standing up. I stand up as well and he takes my hand. I follow him up and we both began taking pieces of close off. I look over at him, scrolling through things on his phone. I pull open his drawer and grab a t-shirt.I slip it over my head and lay down, cuddling up next to him. He slips under the sheets and wraps me up. "Goodnight babe." He kisses me and I close my eyes. Tomorrow is a big day... Just a Good Morning America interview. 

Change My Mind | A Sequel to Back For You | A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now