Chapter 3: Revelations

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Dedicated to because she was my first commenter and that's pretty damn (pardon the minor language) awesome (: Now... Story time :D

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I could've walked away and saved myself the extra drama for today by calling it quits and heading back to my makeshift home. I had gone through a lot for just one day. Still, my mind was too full of the unanswered questions to get a good night's sleep. There was only one way I was going to be going home, and that was after I'd gotten the information I'd come for.

Sighing, I readied myself before launching forward. With the speed I was going it was easy to break through the thin chainlink fence and burst into the compound. My feet pounded against the ground as I continued to whip across the asphalt. I only broke stride for a fraction of a second in hesitation once I reached the entrance to the laboratory.

I didn't know what awaited me once I made it into the building. For all I knew there could be an entire army just waiting for someone to try what I was about to do. This was Dr. Wells, after all, one of the smartest men in the world. Surely he knew someone would be after him sooner or later.

My body tensed as I slammed through the glass doors, the small pieces glittering as the light caught them during their descent. Not sure where Dr. Wells would be, I decided to zip through every room I could find, checking every nook and cranny for some indication of where he could be. The building seemed to be in layers, and I searched them as if I were peeling them apart one by one. I'd searched the outermost layer with no luck before moving into the middle layer. After finding nothing there as well there was only one place left to go -- the core.

Searching the center of the complex first would have seemed like the most logical place to look, and I mentally kicked myself for not having thought of that from the start. Of course Wells would be sheltered in the center of his operation with walls upon walls protecting him from the dangers that lurked outside. If I hadn't had my speed I certainly would have been exhausted after walking around the outer layer.

Without preparing myself mentally, I barged into the room, coming face-to-face with three very stunned looking individuals. Unfortunately, none of them were the person I was looking for. Where the heck was he?

Before I could get a word out I was rushed at by one of the three people in the room, his quick movement catching me by surprise and leaving me with no time to react. He had me pinned against the wall with both of his massive hands holding my shoulders down, the hard concrete cool against my back. The force with which he'd pushed me backward had left my body aching a bit, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I was sure that, if I had been normal, I definitely would've broken something.

Soon, the other two people who had been standing in the room joined the feud and stood on either side of the boy pinning me down. One was a girl with hair in between a red and brown color, and the other was a boy with jet black hair just shorter than shoulder length. The girl looked at me with concern while the man regarded me with curious excitement.

"Cisco. Caitlin. Help me get her down to the particle accelerator," the main boy commanded without shifting his focus from me.

"But Barry, we don't know--" the woman started before she was interrupted.

"Let her go, Barry," a voice called from the entrance of the room, and all of our heads turned to look at the newcomer.

It was none other than Dr. Harrison Wells. Why couldn't I find him earlier? I was certain I had searched every room in this place, but I guess I must have missed something. Anyway, it didn't matter now that he was here. I could finally get what I wanted.

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