Chapter 39: Parallels

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We were in the building where Cisco's radar had tracked the cold gun, and we were clearly in the right place. I could feel the temperature significantly drop as I assumed we were getting closer to the floor Cold was on. It didn't take long for my senses to detect the presence of who I presumed was Snart. As soon as I detected him, I shut down my sense and focused on the plan of attack should anything go awry.

The floor we arrived on was filled with filing cabinets galore with even more files stacked atop the metal drawers or lying in piles on the floor beside them. Seriously, who left this place in such bad condition? And who the heck would need this many files in the first place?

Goodness, I really must be ADHD with the amount of times I got sidetracked...

Slowly, Barry and I began searching the room, looking behind the cabinets and under desks. Honestly, it was a bit of a long shot to think that Captain Cold would be hiding under an office desk, but we didn't know what the context of his kidnap was.

That is, until he casually strolled out to grab a file from one of the tables.

I was hidden behind a stack of filing cabinets, and the initial shock of seeing Snart sent my mind into defensive mode. Without even thinking, I felt my system work quickly as I immediately became invisible.

Wait, what? Since when had I regained control on using solely that little bit of light aspect of my powers? I wasn't sure whether it was because my powers were gradually separating or because the situation I was in had caused some instinct to kick in, but whatever the reasoning, I was thankful in that moment. I just wished I could understand how to do this more often again.

Snart caught sight of Barry, and the two of them froze, looking at each other curiously.

"Snart," Barry whispered with a confused look on his face.

"Barry," Snart mimicked with his usual sass.

I was surprised at the use of Barry's real name until I remembered Barry telling me of the discovery Snart had made during one of Barry's solo missions. Man, I was glad those days were over. I hated going in on these types of things alone...

"Uh... Are you okay?" Barry offered with a raised brow, though we all knew the question was unnecessary.


"Okay," Barry drawled. "Uh... I'm supposed to be here to rescue you."

"Not necessary. You can speed along now."

"Look, Snart. If these guys are making you do something you—"

"No one makes me do anything," Snart interjected sharply, giving Barry a pointed stare.

Barry exasperatedly flopped his hands at his sides. "Then why does you sister think you've been kidnapped?"

Before the man could answer, there was a thud not too far off followed by a small yelp. As I avoided making a sound, I repositioned myself so I had a better view of where the noise had come from. That's when I noticed the figure of another man, definitely older, making his way closer to where Snart stood. How had I not picked up his presence earlier when I was searching for energies?

"What's taking so long?" the new person asked gruffly as he gradually advanced.

"I got held up," Snart replied evenly, his eyes remaining fixed on Barry.

Without warning, Snart pulled out his cold gun and blasted Barry with it from his feet up to his neck. I hardly managed to keep quiet as my hands flew over my mouth to conceal my gasp. Dude, seriously? We were here trying to help this guy, and this is what we got?

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