Chapter 24: Liquid Amnesia

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 "But— How—" I sputtered as I looked from Haven to the rest of the group and back again.

There were so many questions I needed answers to. Who had put her in the Lazarus Pit? How had her body even gotten to Gotham? And why was she looking at me as if I was some stranger?

I turned my back to the others in the small group as I faced Haven. Cautiously, I took a few unhurried steps in her direction, afraid that going too fast might frighten her away. It took every ounce of my willpower not to run to her and hold her in my arms. With the way she was acting now and the possibility of her being even stronger than usual due to the Lazarus Pit's side effects, I could be in for some serious injuries if I didn't take this slowly.

"Haven?" I asked softly as I continued to edge closer to her.

The girl visibly stiffened and her eyes met mine for the first time, though they didn't hold any of the usual warmth I was so used to. My heart ached at the unfamiliarity in her gaze.

"I... I recognize you," Haven began quietly, her voice tight. "I remember your name. I remember your face. But, I..." She broke off for a moment, her eyes shut tight and her face contorted in a look of mild pain. It seemed as though she was struggling to recall something, and the action of doing so was physically hurting her. When Haven finally met my gaze again, I could see the frustration, confusion, and sympathy in her eyes. Sympathy for me. "I don't remember anything about you. I don't know you."

My throat went dry the second the words fell from her mouth. It felt as though the world around me was spinning slightly, and my heart had dropped to my stomach. I must have heard her wrong. I had to have heard her wrong. Yet, her eyes, the expressions of the three others in the room as I turned to them — all of it told me that my ears hadn't failed me.

My eyes scanned the faces from Damien to Oliver and, finally, to Bruce. Although I tried to hide my emotions, I knew the desperation for help was clear in my expression. I didn't understand what was going on, and that was the worst part. The lack of clarity left me stressed and frustrated, but overall, I was completely dejected.

Thankfully, after some thinking on his part, Bruce walked over, passing where I stood just a bit so that he was situated between me and Haven. The girl focused her attention on Bruce, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. What I would give to have her look at me like that, like anything other than the blank stare I had received...

"So, you're Haven, I take it?" Bruce began, his tone surprisingly warm in comparison to the cold man I'd become familiar with since we'd met. Haven nodded her head without saying a word. Bruce cleared his throat before continuing on. "Do you know what happened to you, Haven?"

The girl paused a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face as she stared unseeing at a wall, her mind sorting through her memories. Eventually, she found her way back to reality and answered the question. "I was dead. I— I remember the feeling of dying, of losing consciousness. Someone was holding me, I think. And then I blacked out. Next thing I know I'm awake, here, in this pool."

Haven gestured to the Lazarus Pit, its still waters making the surface almost glass-like in appearance, as if you could walk across the top of it without falling through. It was strange to think that such a peaceful looking spring of liquid could contain the power to literally raise the dead.

I shook my head lightly, drawing my eyes away from the Pit. Right now my focus needed to be on Haven. Whether she remembered me or not, I wasn't simply going to let her go. I needed to make sure she was okay.

"Do you remember anything before your death?" I eventually spoke up. Haven cocked her head slightly as she looked at me, like she wasn't sure what I meant. "Like, anything about your powers?"

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