Chapter 42: Copycat

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 So, with Jay gone and Caitlin and Artemis trying to calm him down, we only had Harry and Cisco to aide us in our quest to find Copycat. It was still strange having Wells-2's company, especially when I couldn't stop comparing him to his counterpart, the Dr. Wells that we had known. To be honest, the two were nothing alike. Well, for the most part, that is.

"What do we know about Copycat?" I asked as I sat in one of the chairs by the computers. "Do we have a name? If we do, I'm thinking we could figure out where she's going to strike next considering it seems like these Earth-2 metas keep going after their doppelgängers."

"Grisell Ronan," Harrison Wells spoke up immediately, jumping into the conversation without holding back. It was strange for the man with so many secrets to be willing to share information so readily for a change. "At the time of the release of the dark matter, she was a well-renowned neurosurgeon."

"You make it sound like she's no longer a doctor..." Barry noted. "Why?"

Wells shook his head. "Not everyone finds it that simple to pick up where they left off in their life after the accident like you did, Mr. Allen."

"Then I'm guessing she's just some sort of criminal now?" Cisco offered. "Like every other metahuman after the incident."

"Oh, no, Mr. Ramon. Grisell isn't just a criminal," Wells emphasized, staring at us with a certain intensity that made me slightly nervous to hear his next words. "She's the leader of the Insanity Squad."

I rose a brow and glanced to Barry, and I recognized my own confusion mirrored in his features. Obviously, this 'Insanity Squad' was just an Earth-2 thing that none of us Earth-Primers understood.

Noticing our puzzled expressions, Wells let out a rather irritated sigh and elaborated. "The Insanity Squad is a league of some of Central City's most formidable villains. Copycat was the founder, and, although she may not the most powerful of the group, she isn't an easy opponent. She's intelligent and tactical, planning every attack out well in advance to the actual assault."

"Then she's no worse than Captain Cold," Barry stated, shrugging his shoulders. "Cold plans his missions down to the very last second. He accounts for anything and everything that could go wrong and has a solution for every problem. And we've still managed to take him down twice now."

"If you think it's so simple," Harry began sharply, "then why don't you take her out without my help? I know you hate my presence here. I can see it in your eyes every time I look at you. You can't stop thinking about what the man who looked like me did to you, what he did to your mother. And, no matter how many times I tell you that I'm not him, you won't allow yourself to believe me because you're not strong enough to get over the grudges you hold against 'me.'"

That was more than enough to make Barry snap.

I hadn't been really paying attention to everyone's emotions, seeing as it was pretty clear by everyone's tone how they were feeling without the need of my sixth sense, but Barry's flare nearly had me stumbling back at the emotion that flooded from him. I'd never felt such the intensity of any emotion like I did now, from him or anyone else. The world slowed, the seconds stretching out into minutes, as I processed what was going on in a fraction of a second.

My mind worked at least ten times faster — if not more — than Barry could run, allowing me to see even him moving in slow motion. His hands were on the edge of the desk ready to propel the rest of his body over the table to reach Wells who stood just on the other side. Although I knew Barry wasn't the type to kill, I was sure that his mind could distinguish the Earth-2 Harrison Wells from the Reverse Flash Wells who'd killed his mother and, ultimately, tried to kill Barry. Barry's thoughts weren't in the right place at the moment, and I wasn't willing to see how far those thoughts would take his actions.

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