Chapter 5: Power Outages

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For the next week or so I continued to do my training while Barry continued to save the city. We'd grown closer, practically becoming friends, but there were still moments of unresolved tension that created a rift between us. It was almost like we couldn't get comfortable knowing the both of us possessed nearly the same skills as each other.

I'd still been sleeping in my makeshift cave-house, and I'd been washing and wearing the same outfit over and over again. With no money and no wardrobe it was kind of hard to change up my style. It eventually became noticeable enough that Barry actually spoke up about it.

"Haven't you been wearing that for the past week?" was Barry's greeting as he entered the lab an hour late after his dinner break.

"Does it really matter?" I sighed as I continued to stare at the computer monitor.

Since I couldn't be out in the field with Barry at the moment, Cisco had allowed me to help him and Caitlin research each meta-human we encountered. It prepared me in a way for the range of abilities I could expect to stumble upon in the city once I got out of this lab. I'd also been helping Cisco create nicknames for each criminal which was a lot more fun than I'd thought it would be.

"I'm just curious," Barry claimed as he plopped down in the seat beside me. "Don't you own anything else?"

I paused from my work and looked up at him. Caitlin, who was working at the computer on the other side of me, tensed as she listened in to our conversation. I hadn't told anyone about my living situation, but I think she had already assumed that something was up. Being a girl, I'm sure she knew that I wouldn't wear the same clothes or go without a hint of makeup for so long without having a reason.

"If you absolutely must know, then no. I don't own any other clothing," I revealed. It was hard to keep my calm composure as I spoke. "I don't own a cell phone, a couch, or even a bed. In fact, I'm living in a cave at the moment because, in the eyes of my apartment complex, I'm dead. So, yes, Barry, I have been wearing this for the past week. Thanks for noticing."

Immediately after I finished talking I turned my gaze back to the monitor, unable to look Barry in the eyes for a second longer. I could feel my heart beating faster as I held back my anger. It wasn't his fault I was frustrated. I was simply tired of not having a home or even an identity anymore. It was starting to irritate me more and more with each passing day.

Before Barry could say anything on the matter, Cisco caught our attention.

"Haven!" the techie shouted from one of the side rooms. "Come over here!"

I raised my eyebrow at Caitlin who just shrugged her shoulders in equal bewilderment. I looked back at Barry, who seemed to be rather deep in thought about something, before I hopped out of my chair and walked across the room.

The second I entered the space I found a Cisco standing with a goofy grin by a raised platform that was facing the opposite direction of me. I gave him a skeptical look as I shut the door behind me and scooted closer to the metal sheet.

"Alright, I'm here," I announced. "What do you need?"

"Just your opinion," Cisco stated as he swiveled the platform around so it was facing me.

A small gasp escaped my lips as I took in the suit that was in front of me. I moved closer to the clothing, letting my fingertips run over the black, white, and gold fabrics. It was tight fitting and made of similar material what Barry's uniform was composed of. Unlike his pre-made suit, however, mine was specifically created to fit my body.

The upper body was a sleeveless white halter top, and a black upside down triangle covered where my shoulders would be with the tip ending right around where my belly button was. My eyes scanned the suit, and I admired the bottoms which were white on the inner legs and black on the outer sides. A gold and black belt was wrapped just between the hip and waistline. The black boots were made of the same material as the suit and they were actually sewn into the pattern which, I assumed, would allow for better aerodynamics while also ensuring my shoes wouldn't fly off while I was in combat. Finally, there were the accessories: elbow high gloves and a mask, both the same golden color as the accents on the belt. And the logo.

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