Chapter 36: Venom

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Barry didn't make it to the restaurant. I was going to apologize to him for the way I overreacted earlier in the day, but the more time he spent at the CCPD — which I assumed is where he was — knowing that the last person he was talking with was Patty, I wasn't so sure there was a need for me to apologize. I wasn't entirely sure that I hadn't been overreacting. He wasn't picking up my calls, and he didn't respond to any of my texts. I knew darn well I was acting like the jealous type, but it was only because of his constant ignoring that was making me more and more anxious.

Eventually, I said goodnight to the crew and headed for home with a heavy heart.

As I reached the door to the West household, I paused for a moment, hesitating as my hand hovered above the doorknob. If Barry happened to be inside instead of down at the station, I had no idea what I would say to him. Would I apologize? Would I get angry again? Maybe he would already be asleep. Then I wouldn't have to talk to him until the morning, and I could have the night to collect my thoughts.

I took in a deep breath, readying myself to face him as I pulled open the door.

"Barry?" I called out quietly as I shrugged off my jacket and put it on the coat hanger. "Barry, are you—"

I cut myself off abruptly as I sensed an unfamiliar energy. It was very faint, hardly more than a trail I'd pick up after a week or two of someone's absence, but I still caught it. And just in time.

I whipped around and saw the figure practically slither towards me before lunging out with what looked to be metal-like claws, sharpened to a point and extending from her gloves. I dodged just as her metal blades sliced through the air, their tips sticking into the wall and giving me the second I needed to survey my opponent.

The girl had what looked to be sea foam green hair, her eyes a crystal blue shade, glistening like jewels. She looked younger than me by only a couple years, I would guess. As she smiled wickedly at me, I noticed what appeared to be large fangs extending from where her canines should be. A drop of some murky liquid glistened on the tip of one, and her tongue licked over the sharp tooth. I immediately pieced together the puzzle.

"You killed Jade Taipan," I accused. "But you... You look just like her."

"Ah, yesss," the creature hissed. Literally. Hissed just like a snake. "Thank you for noticing."

I cocked my head to the side, confused by her weird nature, but pulled myself back together. I stood strongly, my muscles tensed and ready to pounce if needed. "Why are you here? Who are you?"

"Why, isn't it obviousss?" the Jade-doppelgänger smirked. "Where I come from, they call me Sssnake Charmer. The Phantom deemed me ssskilled enough to come here and kill you. She wantssss Eclipssse, but she'll be happy when she findsss out I found the thing behind the masssk. She will be pleasssed with me when I bring you back with me — Dead, of courssse."

"Alright, that sounds great and all, but I'm not really interested, so if you could just get out of my house maybe..." I drawled, biding myself a moment's time as I allowed my sensory perception to search for other energies in the house. I needed to make sure everybody was safe before I engaged in a fight with this dangerous meta.

Sure enough, the house was void of life aside from me and the unwelcome Snake Charmer. Though it was a good thing no one was home, I felt my heart fall as I realized that could only confirmed my prior suspicions for Barry's whereabouts. But I didn't have time to dwell on our petty disagreements at the moment. Right now, I needed to focus on taking Jade-2 down.

Thankful for my lightning speed, I sent a quick alert out to Barry, Joe, and Iris, warning them not to swing by the house until I said otherwise. Then, I messaged the rest of the team, alerting them of the new metahuman discovery and my current situation. Maybe, if they made it to STAR Labs in time, they could help me combat this creature. Because, quite frankly, I didn't know what a snake's weakness was.

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