Chapter 47: Unbreakable

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Haven's P.O.V.

I was running, flying through the streets as I dodged the obstacles in my path. My heart was pounding in my ears, my blood hot in my veins, sweat dripping down my face. The guttural roar sounded behind me once more, snapping at my heels, forcing me to pick up my pace. It felt as if my heart was ready to burst from my chest, the fear and exertion causing it to quicken its pace past what was acceptable.

"I'm coming for you, Haven," the voice seemed to whisper in my head, as if it had access to my thoughts.

Distracted, I tripped over my own two feet, skidding across the pavement, the black asphalt scraping my skin as I took my fall. My skin was on fire, the normally smooth flesh now cut and battered. I wrapped my arm around my shoulder, feeling the sticky heat of my blood oozing out of my wound.

I was unable to push myself to my feet in time, and I felt the grip of a clawed hand scoop me up by my suit, bringing me to my feet. Its nails, sharp as knives, dug into the flesh of my chest, causing more blood to pour from the newly formed wounds. The creature pulled me close, enough so that I could feel the hot breath coming through the mask of my pursuer.

"You can't escape me, Haven," it spoke in my mind. "You can't escape your destiny. I will get what I want. What is mine."

And then, I was falling, plunging deeper and deeper into an eternal darkness, racing towards a bottom I was sure I was going to hit —

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes flew open, and I gasped for air as I felt my heart thudding wildly in my chest. I peered around the space, the only source of light the faint glow of the emergency lights that were permanently lit in STAR Labs. My heart rate's beat sounded throughout the small room as the heart monitor tracked its rhythm. To my left, a boy sat in a chair, his head tilted back as he snored lightly. Barry. Immediately, I felt my pulse slow back to its normal pace, calmed by the boy's presence.

My thoughts drifted back to the dream — nightmare, really. What had been chasing me? The Phantom? Zoom? Death? I wasn't sure, and I didn't want to dwell on it. I'd had plenty of nightmares through the years, but this one had felt different. It had felt so real. Any terror I'd had during nightmares usually dissipated seconds after I awoke. However, tonight, the fear stuck with me even in the waking world.

I took in a deep breath and let it out, trying to push the haunting thoughts out with the breath but to no avail. I was plagued with unease.

Almost as if he was tuned in to my emotions, Barry woke with a start, looking around the room tensely for a few seconds before settling back down as his gaze rested on me. I felt the waves of relief radiate from him as he stood and made his way over to my bed, perching himself on the edge of the mattress.

"Hey, beautiful," Barry smiled as he pushed back a strand of my hair from my face. The sweet nickname made me blush furiously, and I hoped it was too dim for him to notice the heat that rushed to my face.

"Hi, Barr," I whispered back with a grin. "What are you doing here? It's late, you should be at home sleeping in a bed."

"And leave you all alone? In what world would that ever happen?" Barry shook his head.

"Maybe Earth-2," I teased, though, in all honesty, it might be true.

Unless we went there and saw it for ourselves, however, I don't think we'd ever know. And it wasn't likely that we were going to take a trip there anytime soon.

Barry let out a soft chuckle. "Well, we're not on Earth-2, so I'm not leaving my girlfriend alone, especially when she's just woken up from a coma and a major surgery."

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