Chapter 18: When Reality Hits

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 Although I'd messed around with the idea of black holes and white holes in my spare time as a scientist, I hadn't ventured too in depth on either topic. In fact, no scientists had been able to figure out what was held at the center of a black hole or what lied beyond its reach. Now I realized it was because no one would ever be able to understand the concept of the Light Force without being me.

It was almost as if time itself did not exist in this mysterious place, this new dimension. I supposed that was due to the fact that nothing, not even light, could escape the grasp of a black hole. That would explain why the Light Force would be located here considering it needed to be in a place where only I was able to drain its supply with no external factors sharing the energy. The only question now was how the heck I was supposed to get out of here if nothing could leave the gravitational pull of the black hole.

"Great," I mumbled to myself as I began pacing the seemingly infinite space. "Why did I have to be so consumed with the idea of this stupid Force?"

"Every creator should be allowed the opportunity to view their creation."

The voice seemed to come from inside my head, not through my ears. I twirled in a circle as I searched for the owner of the voice, but there wasn't a single being besides me in the empty expanse.

"Who said that?" I demanded as I continued to search for the culprit. "Show yourself!"

Immediately obeying my command, a figure emerged from thin air — or whatever this place contained — and stood calmly about five feet in front of me. The being was basically a shimmering, nearly-translucent configuration of light, and its physique was identical to mine aside from the fact that it wasn't the least bit tangible it seemed. Strangely, though, its voice did not remind me of my own but, instead, of something more soft and soothing. It almost resembled that of a breeze rustling gently through the leaves of a tree, or the tranquil bubbling of a small stream. It was beautifully mesmerizing, yet a little bewildering all the same.

"Who— What are you?" I asked as I took a step closer. My hand started to raise as I subconsciously attempted to reach out and touch the figure, but I snapped it back down to my side and stood still, not daring to risk frightening my new company. I couldn't scare off this entity before I got the answers I sought.

"I am you," it answered simply. "The light form to your physical form."

"Like the Shadow," I whispered to myself.

So Cisco had been right in assuming there was an opposite force to my own hypothetical — now actual — Light Force. Unfortunately, that thought was more terrifying than reassuring as it meant the Shadow had been exploring and gaining a better understanding of her force for some time now. I had a lot of catching up to do if I ever made it back to Earth. Still, I might as well get some answers while I was here before I made my escape.

"So why are you here rather than... Well, being a part of me back on Earth?" I wondered as I glanced over the being. Seeing myself reflected in this energy form was going to take some getting used to.

"I am a part of the Light Force," it replied gently. "My duty is to exist in this dimension and build upon the light you have already stored and continue to store. Until I am summoned by your will, I shall remain here."

"But how am I supposed to summon you?"

I thought I had already learned a majority of my powers or at least figured out everything I was capable of. Apparently, I was a long way from understanding the full extent of my abilities.

"By channeling the Light Force."

"But I can't do that," I countered as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "I've tried for weeks, and all I've managed to do is get sucked into a black hole and be thrown into this place."

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