Chapter 53: Take It Back

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"Well?" I said as I picked up my dress and held it over the front of my body as I waited for him to answer.

It had only been about ten seconds if that, but those ten seconds felt more like ten years when I was anxiously awaiting Barry's answer. I was sure if he had waited a second longer I would have exploded from my anxiety. Who knows? Maybe I did have that ability. Powers seemed to be popping up left and right, so for all I knew, I could have the potential to explode. Not that I really wanted that...

"We didn't sleep together," Barry finally sighed.

While it should have made me feel immediately better, the tension in my shoulders didn't release. I turned my back on him just slightly, unable to look him in the eye still. Even without being able to feel his emotions, I knew he was holding something back. And I knew what it was.

"But she wanted to," I guessed. "And you were tempted to ."

"But I didn't," he emphasized, making sure I was completely aware of where his heart lay. I nodded, but I wasn't sold. Realizing my reservations about accepting his word, Barry moved closer, resting his hand on my shoulder, his touch sending a warm electricity through my veins. "I swear, Haven. I know you have no reason to trust me right now, especially not after everything I've done, but... I couldn't have done that. Not while I knew that I still loved you."

I glanced over my shoulder, my hair brushing over my bare shoulder and Barry's hand as I looked up to meet his gaze.

Without really understanding what I was saying — yet knowing somehow that I truly meant it — the words spilled from my mouth. "I love you, too."

The smile on Barry's face was a sight for sore eyes, such a welcoming gesture after so long of it not being directed towards me. I couldn't hold back the smile that formed on my own lips, and I didn't try and refuse the embrace Barry pulled me in for. His lips pressed against the top of my head, and I nuzzled against his chest.

Sure, it was a rarity that after going through so much we had so easily forgiven each other to a certain extent, but then again, Barry and I weren't like most normal people. Our lives were constantly put on the line on a daily basis, and even the simplest of our actions tended to be done at a much faster rate than the ordinary human. It only made sense that our forgiveness would come just as quickly as everything else in our lives.

Nevertheless, there were still a few things we needed to work out.

"So, you and Patty..." I began slowly as I mumbled against his dress shirt. We pulled apart just enough so that we could see each other's faces as we spoke.

"Already dealt with," Barry nodded.

I rose my brows in surprise and slight skepticism. "But you were just at dinner with her. At a five-star restaurant, might I add."

"And once we got back to her place, we sat down and talked about it and settled on just being friends," Barry explained softly. The idea of them being friends sent an unintentional pang of jealousy running through my veins, and Barry could sense it. "You're going to have to trust that I'm not lying about this and that I'm not going to do anything that would jeopardize my relationship with you. She's just a friend now, I promise. And if you could become her friend too, that would make things a lot easier. Then, we'd be able to tell her about our relationship eventually — because that's what friends do — and then she won't try and make any moves towards me."

While I didn't want to admit it — damn it, there was my stubbornness again! — what Barry said was logical. If I became her friend, then I wouldn't have to worry about her going after Barry again. I knew it was easier said than done, but I swore to myself that I would at least try to befriend the girl.

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