Chapter 52: The Encounter

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The next week passed by in a blur. I'd been left in charge of Grisell, and I spent the majority of my time at STAR Labs with her going over attack strategies and discussing fighting techniques. The other half of my time was split between working at the CCPD, hanging out with either the team or Kitt, or moving stuff into my new apartment.

Oh, yeah... I'd bought an apartment. Surprise.

I'd decided that if Barry was this reluctant to let me back into his life, then the chances I would ever find myself living back at the West household were slim to none. After I'd finally come to terms with that, Caitlin and Artemis had helped me with my apartment shopping, and I'd found the perfect place only a block or two from Cait's apartment.

On top of that, Kitt had finally agreed to have dinner with me tonight. Barry and I had hardly spoken more than two words to each other over the past few days which made it that much easier to go ahead with my plan. Even though I was attempting to move on from Barry, I wasn't so sure I was going to be successful in my task. Against my wishes, I would still dream of him almost every night, and my body still reacted to his closeness any time he passed me by.

Still, I was hopeful that tonight might allow me to move past all of that and latch onto Kitt instead.

I had just finished putting on my heels when I heard a knock at my door.

"Coming!" I yelled from my bedroom as I hurried towards the entrance.

I opened the door to reveal a rather nervous-looking Kitt standing in the hallway outside my apartment. Even his timidness couldn't take away from how handsome he looked right now.

Seeing as we were going to this swanky five-star restaurant, the boy wore a perfectly tailored black suit with a crisp white dress shirt underneath. I wasn't sure what Kitt did for a living, but he seemed extremely comfortable with the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on just one meal, as well as on his clothes from the look of it. I was dying to know his occupation, but for some reason, I felt like it would be rude to ask.

"Well, don't you clean up well," I teased as I brought him in for a welcoming hug.

"Not anywhere close to as well as you," Kitt countered as he gestured to my outfit for the night. "You look absolutely stunning."

I blushed at his compliment and couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze. While I didn't agree with his high praise, I had to admit to myself that I had put in a little extra effort tonight while getting ready.

I had on a strapless black evening gown with a somewhat deep plunging neckline. However, it was still appropriate enough for the level of sophistication that most five-star restaurants possessed. I'd also curled my hair and made sure my makeup was perfect, and it had all paid off in the end, I supposed.

"Thank you," I finally replied shyly. Kitt offered me a warm smile which I returned gratefully before he extended his elbow for me to loop my arm through.

"Shall we?" he asked as he gestured to the elevator down the hall.

I giggled and nodded my head as I shut the door behind me and followed his lead to the end of the hall.

So far, so good, I thought anxiously as we hopped in Kitt's car and made our way onto the streets of Central City.

I could only hope there wouldn't be any unexpected surprises throughout the rest of the night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We arrived at the restaurant about thirty minutes later in Kitt's Audi R8. Again, the mystery surrounding Kitt's wealth had me curious what his job was, but I didn't pry.

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