Chapter 55: Problem After Problem

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It had been maybe two hours since Death had strolled into the lab, taken the dark half of my powers, and returned to wherever he came from. Somehow, the serum had worked — not that I doubted Caitlin's abilities, just that I doubted I doubted my own luck — and I was left with solely my light powers just like the first time I'd woken up from my coma after the particle accelerator explosion.

But I wasn't as happy as I probably should have been.

For starters, the cool parts of my powers that I had become accustomed to using were now gone. No energy perception to read others emotions, no portal creations, no absorbing shadows for energy — it was kind of a major bummer when I realized just how much I didn't have anymore.

Still, where I lost some powers, I gained others back. I had to admit that I was glad I could fully control my invisibility again, and I was determined to master it this time around. Seeing as how chaotic my life had been in just the past couple of months, I wasn't sure how long I would even have these powers this time around. I hoped nothing else would happen, but I couldn't expect that wish to come true. Additionally, I was feeling pretty good with the pure light energy running through my system again. I hadn't even realized how much the darkness had bogged me down until it was gone.

On the more strange yet positive side of things, I'd also learned a new power. Of course, I hadn't mastered this new ability yet — I'd only had two hours with it — but that didn't keep me from working nonstop on it for the time being.

While I wasn't sure of the full range of this new power seeing as Caitlin had still been unconscious during my find, I at least knew the minimum of my capabilities.

I could create illusions. Which was pretty damn awesome, in my opinion.

I wasn't even sure how it had happened or why it had, but when Cisco had rushed into the room looking for us — as to why he had seemed so urgent about it considering he hadn't know what was going on had me puzzled, but I had a feeling there was more to it than this 'lucky guess' spiel he kept giving me — he'd practically flipped when he claimed that he saw two Caitlins in the room. I didn't believe him of course, and I asked what he was talking about, but when I saw my reflection in the glass beside him I understood immediately. I guess in my need to pretend that everything was fine and act as if Caitlin wasn't lying unconscious on the floor, I had somehow transformed my image into Cait's. It was weird, creepy, extremely strange... But I couldn't deny that it could be one of my most useful skills yet. Once I got a handle on it, that is.

Now, Caitlin was awake and we were discussing the possibilities of what I could do with illusion manipulation as we waited for Barry to finish up his work at the CCPD and come over to STAR Labs.

"So, can you only shift into females, or are you able to shift into Barry or Cisco, too?" Caitlin mused as she smiled excitedly as if waiting for me to change right before her eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, Cait. I only did it once, and I'm not even sure what I did to make the change."

"Well, maybe it's just picturing the person in your mind," Cait suggested. "Or I wonder if you have to see them to shift..."

I knew what she was trying to get me to do, and damn it if she wasn't successful. Sighing, I closed my eyes and thought about what Barry looked like. His image was permanently etched on my brain, so if it was going to work with anyone, it might as well be Barry.

I thought about the way his chest seemed to stretch broadly across his torso, his abs so tight and defined, the muscle pressed hard against his skin. I pictured the silky brown strands of hair atop his head all perfectly styled with gel, thought about the way his nose pointed at the tip and was scaled so perfectly compared to the other features of his face. I imagined the way his lips curled up in that little smirk whenever he was feeling cocky or confident and the gleam in those emerald eyes every time he spoke with emotion.

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