Chapter 38: Cold Shoulder

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I'm not usually one to kiss and tell, but let's just say that there was a little more than kissing going on last night. And, if I'm honest, yeah, that was a pretty good way to start to showing his love for me.

But it was just a start.

Although we weren't allowed to show any sign of our relationship at work, there were little things Barry did for me throughout the day while we were up in the lab that had me continually smiling. Like the purple and white plumeria bouquet that was illuminated beautifully by the light filtering through the windows as it sat on the desk when I walked into the CCPD lab that morning. Its subtle, sweet scent filled the room, and I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes as a gentle grin took hold of my features.

"So, I'm guessing you like them?" Barry murmured as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Thankfully, most of the people working at the station didn't come up to the lab this early in the day, so our display of affection was alright at the moment.

I turned around so that I could look up to his face, his hands continuing to maintain contact with my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love them. Looks like someone was paying attention to me when I told them my favorite flower."

Barry smiled with a chuckle before leaning down to kiss me. Honestly, I was never going to get used to the way it felt to have his lips on mine. The way my heart beat erratically as if it couldn't possibly find a rhythm to keep up with the emotions that flooded through me, how I felt like the world around me dissolved into nothing and only the two of us existed in this little bit of space we'd created for ourselves — it was a perfect dream, only better because this dream was my reality.

Thankfully, not all of my senses were muted by the kiss.

"Patty's coming," I mumbled as I sensed the girl's energy growing stronger as she made her way closer to the lab. I sighed as I pulled away from the boy until we were a respectable distance from each other.

I wasn't as annoyed by the girl as I used to be now that Barry and I were working things out. However, that didn't mean that her presence didn't spike my anxiety levels.

"Good morning, Barry!" Patty chirped cheerfully. It took her a moment before she noticed my presence, and I saw her happiness falter just the slightest. "Oh, hi, Haven. I thought you were still out on injury leave."

"The doctors dismissed me yesterday," I informed as kindly as I could, though I could feel my smile was a little forced.

"Oh... Great," she grinned with a nod. Was she just as bothered by my presence around Barry as I was by hers? She shook her head lightly before she could continue. "So, Barry, I was wondering if tonight you would maybe want to help me write this police report Singh assigned? "

"Oh, uh..." Barry faltered, and he glanced at me quickly out of the corner of his eye.

Honestly, the boy could do whatever he wanted and I would be fine with it. He hadn't completely shattered my trust. That being said, it was her I didn't have faith in. The way she looked at him, the way she greeted him extra peppily, the overwhelming infatuated energy that radiated off of her — Patty's intentions weren't of the simple friendly nature. And, because Barry was too nice sometimes for his own good, I felt that, if she happened to make a move, he might be scared to say no out of fear he would hurt her feelings. Just like how he was hesitating now to respond to her offer.

"Actually," I cut in, speaking up on Barry's behalf, "Barry and I are going to a science convention tonight. Apparently, there's some new technology that might be helpful in the forensics field that we were planning on learning more about."

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