Chapter 21: Prevail

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Alright, so I feel the need to caution you ahead of time... Please, just don't kill me when you get to the end of this chapter. And don't write mean things. Thanks ahead of time... O.o

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We charged at the villains as if we were one, all of our strengths put together to form a single destructive force. However, our opponents were just as powerful as they lunged back at us. I could already tell we were in for a challenging battle.

One by one we seemed to be paired with our individual matches. Firestorm was up against the little blonde girl — I believe I'd heard that her name was Terra — and I could see the hesitation in the metahuman's actions as he combated the frail figure. I couldn't blame the meta. I'd had a soft spot for the girl as well.

Then there was the Arrow against Alex. I remembered Barry explaining to me of a case he and the team had handled while I'd been away, a situation involving a villain who went by the name Trickster. That had been Alex working with his father, James Jesse, the former Trickster who'd been sent to prison years earlier for his terrorism on Central City. After their last trick, which involved poisoning people who were attending the mayor's reelection party, they'd both been sent to Iron Heights to serve for life. However, Alex had somehow managed to escape the high-security prison by some miracle and had decided to join Team Dark-side. The Arrow didn't hesitate in the slightest as he attacked the young villain.

I flicked my gaze over to where the Flash and Max were practically at each other's throats already. It was a bit strange to see my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend attacking each other like this, but, then again, it was rather intriguing to watch. Barry was intelligent and quick, but Max was just as smart and as powerful as the scarlet speedster. The villain managed to land a few psycho-kinetic blows every now and then that would cause Barry to stumble back, but the Flash would recover just as quickly and get back to fighting. I was nervous to discover who the victor would be seeing as how they were both equally matched in skill and power.

Right now, however, I didn't have the time to stand around and watch their battle unfold. I had my own challenger to deal with.

I turned and saw the diva herself strutting towards me with that cocky smirk plastered on her face. She seemed so confident, so sure of the outcome of this fight. And I couldn't blame her. After seeing how poorly I'd been able to defend myself earlier, I wasn't so sure that she wasn't right to be feeling so bold.

"Looks like it's just you and me now," Lucy grinned wickedly as we circled around each other.

It would be so easy to make a move right now, to attack, but I was reluctant to start. If I could stall her for a while more, maybe the others would be finished with their fighting and come to my aide. Then again, this ongoing feud was just between me and Lucy. Maybe this was something I needed to accomplish alone.

"I guess so," I responded evenly, my eyes not shifting from hers for even a fraction of a second. "Tell me, Lucy. Why are you so fixated on my execution? If anything, I should be the one wanting to get rid of you for threatening me, yet I don't feel the need to actually kill you. So why do you?"

"Because you took everything from me!" Lucy seethed, taking a quick step forward. Instinctually, I took a small step back in an attempt to maintain our current distance from each other. I wanted to hear her reasoning before I lost the only opportunity I would probably ever have to figure out her motives.

But, so far, her words weren't making any sense. "What do you mean?"

She scoffed as if it were obvious, but, apparently, it hadn't been obvious enough for me to have been able to understand her. She folded her arms across her chest as she spoke. "Each time I went after something I wanted, you took it from me. The job at ORC, Max, your new job at STAR Labs, and now Barry... You even have the powers I want."

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