Chapter 10: High-Tensions

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Apparently, Cisco had fashioned a special headgear specifically to inhibit the abilities of someone with telekinetic abilities as soon as the discovery of meta-humans came about. After making some minor adjustments to fit Max's head, we locked the device on as he remained unconscious.

I wasn't really needed as Caitlin and Cisco worked to run tests and secure the boy so that when he awoke we would be safe from abilities, but I simply wanted to stay close by. Not for Max, but because I didn't think I could face the questions I knew Barry had. Judging by the fierceness in his gaze, nothing good could come out of what he had to say. Eventually, though he got a hold of me.

"We need to talk," Barry stated as he stood beside me.

"Well, I'm kinda busy helping Cisco and Caitlin at the moment," I mumbled, not daring to sneak a glance in his direction.

"Don't worry, I think Cisco and I have this under control," Caitlin assured innocently as she continued to connect wires and tubes to Max. She was completely oblivious to the situation I was trying to avoid.

Sighing, I nodded my head glumly and followed Barry out of the cortex. We wound around the building until we got to one of the empty rooms that used to be the employee lounge. Now, it was just another one of the neglected spaces after the events that happened nearly a year ago.

Barry shut the door behind him before demanding, "Why didn't you tell me about him?"

I blinked a couple times, confused by his phrasing. "You mean the fact that I know a meta-human? Look, I didn't know he was a meta until-"

"No, I don't care about that," Barry sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "I mean, why didn't you ever mention your boyfriend's death?"

When he reopened his eyes I could see pure hurt, all of it directed at me. I hadn't thought the news would hurt him this much, but clearly it was bothering him enough that he had felt the need to drag me out of hearing distance from the rest of our team.

"I didn't intentionally keep it from you," I promised gently. "He was just a secret that I told no one about after he died that night. Or, at least, after I thought he died... I'd kind of let him slip to the back of my mind. It felt too personal to share with anyone."

"Even though I told you about how my mother died," Barry countered in a flat voice.

"But you told all the others about that," I defended.

"Because they saved my life and I trusted them!" he exclaimed. Barry took a deep breath to calm himself before moving on. "I trusted you, Haven. You may not have realized how important these little details of my life that I've been sharing with all of our group are, but they're not things I tell to random strangers. And the things I've told you? Some of it not even Caitlin and Cisco have heard." He paused a moment, his eye contact breaking as he looked at the concrete floors. I could feel the sting of tears as the drops threatened to form. "I know it's hard to talk about someone who you loved that died. Believe me, I get it. But if after all this time you still couldn't talk to me about it, then I'm not sure you have enough faith in me. And, if that's the case, then maybe I should be second guessing what I tell you, too."

I wanted to get the words out that he was wrong, to scream that none of this was like that, but I couldn't utter a sound. He'd made a valid point. He'd let me into his world, his secrets, one of the biggest things to affect him in his life, and I had kept myself hidden. I felt just as disappointed and upset with myself as Barry probably did.

A single droplet toppled over the edge of my eyelid, and that was all I could take.

Without another word I dashed out of the room and out of the building entirely until I was miles outside the city in a matter of a few seconds. All of my training and day to day crime fighting was improving my speed, but the emotions seemed to drive it even more. Even Barry wouldn't have been able to catch up with me. That is, if he had even chased after me. But, of course, he'd never do that. I wasn't Iris.

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