Chapter 40: Blast from the Past

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The bomb had been removed from Lisa's head, Lewis was dead, and Cold was behind bars at Iron Heights — for now, that is. However, though the operation had ended successfully, Barry and been cutting it close during the mission and, if he had just been a bit more distracted, he would be dead right now along with Lewis.

Of course, after I chastised him for his own actions he began getting on me about my recent absentmindedness. My inattention had nearly cost us a life or two when I'd almost failed to account for and dismantle a bomb a robber had planted during one of our takedowns. In my defense — though I dared not to say it aloud — it was kind of difficult not to be so distracted when the Phantom's memory was the one thing constantly occupying my thoughts.

That was one of the many reasons why I was currently down in the basement, sparring with the punching bags. Another reason was simply for practical reasons. While it was great to have superpowers and all, there were times where they had failed me and left me with no defense for myself against the enemy. As a result, I'd decided to work on building up my physical strength should worse come to worse in an unpleasant situation. Besides, it couldn't hurt to get in better shape and look more attractive...

Yes, I admit, I was still slightly threatened by Patty Spivot. Even though things between Barry and I were practically better than ever, the girl was persistent with her flirting. And it was really starting to wear on my nerves.

Which gave me yet another justification for my newfound exercise routine.

I'm not sure why, but punching something just seemed to help relive my stress. And, since I couldn't really go around hitting people all the time, punching bags were a pretty decent alternative. Unfortunately, I kept tearing holes in them after only a few minutes of use. I blamed my increased stress, but I'm sure I would have ruined them whether my stress levels were low or not. Maybe I could ask Cisco to construct a bag that would be able to withstand the force of my blows.

The elevator let out a ring, and the sound of its doors sliding open filled the hollow space. I didn't take my eyes off of my inanimate target — not that I really needed to with my sixth sense — as the individual walked into the room.

"Thought I might find you down here," Iris called out, her heels clicking against the concrete floor as she made her way over to me.

I paused my workout and turned to face my friend as I wiped the sweat off my brow. "And you thought right. So, did you need something?"

There had been a lot going on with Iris recently. All of us, Iris and Barry included, had been lead to believe that Iris' mother, Francine West, had died years ago when Iris was a little toddler. However, with the recent reappearance of the woman in Central City, the truth had been bound to unfold. And it did. Joe had a lengthy talk with Iris and, in turn, Iris had told me and Barry. A day or two ago, Iris had sat down with Francine only to tell her that she didn't want her in her life. I knew it's what Iris wanted, and it made absolute sense considering Francine had been missing from the girl's life for twenty years or so, but I had a feeling that actually finding out her mom was alive and so abruptly sending her away had left Iris a little shaken up.

And that what was weighing on her now.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to take a day off? You know, just have a girl's day or something," she shrugged as if it was as simple as that. But I knew better. She needed distraction, and she was coming to me for support. I wasn't going to turn her down.

Smiling, I nodded my head. "Of course, Iris. Give me a half hour? I just want to finish up this session."

"Of course! No problem!" she chirped happily. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Haven!"
 I chuckled after her as she hopped in the elevator and left me to my exercise. I decided to leave the punching bag alone for the time being and focus on the superpower aspect of my training. I know that I was supposed to be working on redeveloping my light abilities, but, if I'm honest, I was losing enthusiasm in gaining back those powers. Because gaining back my light meant losing the twilight.

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