Chapter 56: Holiday Cheer

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A couple days passed without much really happening. Well, besides the usual of course.

Actually, crime had been pretty rampant in both Central City and Starling City over the course just a few days. This was one benefit to having two speedy metahumans on the team: we could split the work without letting one side or another fend for themselves. While metahumans were my specialty really, I had begged Barry to let me be the one to help Oliver and his crew out, complaining that Barry was always the one to go and I needed some experience away from Central City. To say that Barry had been reluctant would be an understatement, but he eventually caved in and let me take on Central City's darker counterpart.

To be honest, it was a lot different fighting alongside people who worked well with weapons and that whole deal rather than with another metahuman who fought with powers that science couldn't explain. Not that it was wrong for Oliver and his team to fight that way — I mean, it's not like they had any other option, and they did extremely well with what they were given. Besides, it gave me a new experience for once, and maybe I could use their fighting techniques to my advantage some day.

After solving their problem and spending a relaxing evening enjoying some wine together in Oliver's apartment, I was back in my home city with the crazy metahuman killers that roamed the streets. It was a strange thought, but I personally would take fighting these freaks of nature of the kinds of criminals the Green Arrow had to deal with any day.

Okay, I had officially gone insane from being a superhero. I can't even remember when a thought like that would have ever been considered normal, but it was.

Currently, I sat on the olive green sofa in the West's living room with Barry beside me. His left arm was draped casually over my shoulders as we sat and listened to Cisco tell some story about one of his nerdy incidents as a child.

It was the evening of Christmas Eve, and the West household was decked to the nines, yet it wasn't overly gaudy. Garland hung around the hearth of the fireplace as well as the handle of the staircase. A sprig of mistletoe dangled in the archway between the living and dining room. And, of course, the Christmas tree sat neatly decorated in the corner by the window, its lights twinkling as if they were dancing with joy that the holidays were finally here.

Out of the corner of my eye I managed to sneak a quick peek at Barry. He smiled brightly and laughed softly at Cisco's story, and I felt myself practically melting as I watched him. I would never understand how it was possible for a human to be so beautiful.

"Alright, enough storytelling. Who's ready for some Christmas Eve dinner?" Joe asked as he brought out the last tray of food to the table.

"That's like asking if we want to breathe, Joe," Cisco stated, making all of us laugh before getting up and heading over to the table.

The dinner could not have been more delicious. Turkey, ham and chicken sat at the center of the dishes. Off to the side were mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls, gravy, stuffing, and much more yummy stuff. I had always enjoyed the holidays, but everything was always ten times better at the West house. I also loved the feeling of simply being surrounded by the people I loved, and there was no better time for that than Christmas.

After we'd finished our main course, I got to work on the dessert as everyone sat in the living room and watched a seasonal movie. I'd decided to make an apple pie and, even though it wasn't fall anymore, I chose to make a pumpkin pie as well. It was never too late to enjoy the deliciousness of a good pumpkin treat.

Barry ended up joining me in the kitchen and assisting me with the pies. I'd insisted he go back out and enjoy the movie with the others, but he'd been just as stubborn in saying he didn't want me to be alone while everyone else had fun. I'd given up the fight, knowing that I actually wanted his company, and I was sure he had known it, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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