Chapter 12: Lights Out

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The weekend rolled around in no time at all and, sure enough, Barry still had his date to attend. I was currently at home preparing dinner for myself before I had to get back to STAR Labs, and Iris had come to the house for a bit to just hang out. Barry was upstairs getting ready.

"So, how are things with you and Eddie?" I asked, and I immediately saw the glow in Iris' eyes simply at the mention of her boyfriend's name. They were such a cute couple I couldn't help but smile at the way she reacted to any questions about him.

"He's amazing, Haven. An absolute gentleman," Iris sighed happily. I returned her gentle gaze before we both delved into other topics, ranging from her new job to any new reports of Central City's heroes. It had been a while since we'd last been able to chat like this, and it was a nice break from the hectic life I'd been immersed into recently.

After I'd finished preparing my food Iris decided it was time to head back home and work on her latest article assignment. I wished her luck before shutting the door behind her.

I was just about to sit down when the bell rang, and I made my way back to the front of the house. I didn't even check who it was before opening up the door to reveal the one person I was trying to forget existed.

"Hi there!" the girl greeted with a friendly smile. "Is Barry home?"

"Yes, he is," I nodded. "Are you Lucy?"

"Yup!" Lucy chirped enthusiastically. Man, this girl had a lot of energy.

"Well, Barry's still getting ready right now. Would you maybe wanna come in for a bit until he's finished? It's pretty chilly outside."
 "That would be great, thanks."

I motioned for her to step inside and get comfortable in the living room. I paused a few moments, still a little shocked by how friendly she was, before I was able to compose myself and sit down in the same room with her. I had had this picture in my head of a girl who was rather stuck-up and rude, but this person was nothing like the horrible image I'd made her out to be. Actually, I even felt sort of guilty for having thought of her so negatively.

While Lucy sat on the main couch I decided to give her just a little space by lounging in one of the individual sofa chairs. The television provided a soft background noise as we both remained silent for a moment.

"I never caught your name," Lucy finally spoke up as she turned to face me, the ever-constant grin still on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners," I apologized as I stood and extended a hand to her. "I'm Haven Knight. Barry's roommate and coworker."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Haven," she smiled as she took my hand.

The instant our skin made contact I felt a sudden darkness overwhelm me. I was probably still trying to get over the fact that Barry hadn't noticed my feelings towards him and knowing that Lucy was actually physically here just made the reality sink in. Whatever the feeling was, it passed soon after I was back in my seat. I scolded myself mentally for feeling sorry for myself.

"So, Lucy. How long have you been living in Central City?" I started the conversation.

From there on we chatted for a bit, making small talk and getting to know each other until Barry finally came down the stairs. Seriously, that boy took longer than most girls to get ready, even with his extreme speed. All in all, Lucy didn't seem like such a bad person. It didn't help the weird unsettled mood I was in, but I felt a little better knowing that Barry wasn't going out with someone who would treat him poorly.

"Thanks again for covering for me," Barry repeated as he headed out the door, Lucy already halfway down the steps as he turned back to speak to me.

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